The Comment Awards Attempts To Keep Plants Alive
This week we’ve got feelings on The Rock, Ben Carson, boobs and so much more!
This week we’ve got feelings on The Rock, Ben Carson, boobs and so much more!
We’ve got huge markdowns on classic merch, so much new merch, AND you can get three rolls of Queer Wrapping Paper for $1 each with ANY PURCHASE in the store. Order by Friday to get your merch in time for the holidays!
This week we’ve got puppy love, vest enthusiasm, the new Doc Brown and so much more!
It’s feeling like the holidays in Austin and the local news is bananas! Get in here and let’s chat about it in this week’s Friday Open Thread!
This week we’ve got vegetable puns, cults, the new gay agenda and so much more!
Let’s talk about happy things because honestly I can’t take any more of this shitpile year.
This includes very important holiday shopping information and other ways to help us year-round. Some of the things are free and some cost money but the one and only way to find out is to open this post and then read it! xoxo
This week we’re thankful for gay weddings, bodysuits, garlic and so much more!
This week we’ve got rescued cats, butch lesbians, Subaru and so much more!
To be honest, I am struggling with how much to reveal about the fact that I’m just now closing out what was undoubtedly the bleakest week of my life. You should probably come on down and just tell me random information about your life and be nice to each other instead!
Lay it all out there and bring hope to our world. It’s what you do best.
This week we’ve got feelings about the election, Supergirl and Erin. Need we say more?
Do you have enough flannels? Tell me all about it.
This week we’ve got genius column ideas, eloquent troll slayers, librarians and so much more!
This week we’ve got puppy love, egrets, corpse talk and so much more!
It’s time for the 2016 Autostraddle Reader Survey! Are you ready? (I don’t think you’re ready!)
This week we’ve got feelings on Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dana Scully, Katniss Everdeen and so much more!
I just wanna know your life and lift you up. Is that cheesy? Oh well! I’m here, I’m queer, I’m living my truths, and I think you’re the gosh darn best. So hit me with your best shot, nasty folx. I’m here to affirm you endlessly and Make Your Day Great Again.
This week we’ve got feelings on Kristen Stewart, future Sarah Paulson, stock photography models’ dreams, and so much more!
Hello! I’m super excited to see your face today because I’m home with Baby T. Rex and don’t remember what it’s like to socialize with a grown-up human. Come chill on the sofa with me and tell me what’s up in the world outside my living room!