Literature Music Sponsored

Tegan and Sara’s “High School” Will Fill You With ’90s Nostalgia, Heal Your Teenage Heart

There’s something extra special about the High School audiobook, and not just because it features the rough cassette recordings of the songs that make up their new album, or because they read their own chapters with their own voices, or because they interview each other for maybe the first time ever. It just feels real and ever so soft.

LGBT Book Reviews

‘Wait, What?’ Is the Body-Affirming, Gender-Expansive Sex Ed Comic Preteens Need

The book deftly acknowledges that each of its five main characters is different in their experience of their bodies, sexualities, genders, romantic interests, and overall development. It allows each kid to define their experience on their own terms and shows a little of their process of becoming comfortable with their unique selves, while promoting kind and thoughtful behavior toward all peers.

Book Lists

Reading Bisexual Women of YA: 10 Recommendations for Celebrate Bisexuality Month

Though there are still those who would keep bi characters off YA shelves, there are also plenty of fantastic young adult graphic novels, fantasy books, contemporary novels, and even nonfiction collections with bisexual characters that find their way into the hands of young readers and adults who appreciate YA. Here are a few essentials to check out during bisexual awareness month.