Forsyth Harmon’s “Justine” Is a Haunting Book About Intense Teenage Friendship
This tiny book is a quiet horror story in which beauty is a terror and friendship is an undoing of the self. The final line has haunted me long past reading it.
This tiny book is a quiet horror story in which beauty is a terror and friendship is an undoing of the self. The final line has haunted me long past reading it.
It’s moments like this that I’ve been desperately searching for in South Asian media these past few years. I want to know, I want to see where queer South Asians summon the courage to be themselves from, in a world where coming out is truly a global struggle.
“I know we everywhere, but Black SOUTHERN people are and will always be my heart. The way we love up on each other. Take care of each other. Check up on each other, sometimes a little too much. It’s the cadence of our little sayings, the burst out loud laughter. The dramatics in the everyday stories of nothing. I love Black southern people.”
For a show that usually aims for gravitas, Good Trouble does humor exceptionally well.
April’s gonna be great everybody! Season 4 of The Handmaid’s Tale, a new girls-on-the-run Japanese lesbian film, Kate Winslet as a detective with a gay daughter, Season 2 of The Circle, Season 2 of The Black Lady Sketch Show, a new misanthropic queer show from Australia and so much more!
Aries is a sign that wants what it wants, when it wants it. Can this inherently selfish impulse can be harnessed for the greater good?
Spiritually, we’re all making candles with Queen Latifah.
32 couples remain!
This month, Archie Bongiovanni is bringing you their years of experience at Minneapolis indie sex shop Smitten Kitten to talk you through everything about choosing, buying and using sex toys as a queer person.
Regina King directs Viola Davis for W, Ruby Rose knows she has authority issues, which Supergirl Superfriends need therapy, Lil Nas X and the history of queer music videos, and more!
Lena rejoins Team Super as Kara leads the charge to stop Lex once and for all. Plus, Alex gets her superhero name!
This is someone showing their rejection of the oftentimes traumatizing cishet Christian ideals many young Black queers are currently being taught. We live for anything that will shorten (or make obsolete) their pain so they can live bolder happier lives.
Here’s what I’m looking for: Short stories, 5,000 words or less. You, the author, must identify as trans. If you think you are trans, you are trans.
Trans activists in Puerto Rico insist they are not a distraction, but central to the struggle for independence.
So look. At least half of this post is… uh…*counts* four images of Janelle Monáe. And then… a video. Of Janelle Monáe. I couldn’t pick! How was I supposed to choose?? In this economy?
Is love a lie or the ultimate truth? The One balks at exploring that fascinating question and cops out with a cliched murder storyline.
Despite New York’s progressive reputation, it ranks among the top states for anti-trans violence. What are the factors that contribute to the plight of trans New Yorkers?
The Lone Star state has repeatedly attempted to take life-saving resources away from trans people.
Being too eager or too worried about saying the right thing can be just as alienating as disapproval.
So many gays in superhero suits and space!