The Comment Awards are Glove Lunching
Mike Pence is scared of kittens – pass it on.
Mike Pence is scared of kittens – pass it on.
We’ve got anti-Trump nursery rhymes! Queer Ms. Frizzle! Gratuitous boob shots! And a Valentine just for you!
What good things are happening to you this week? Did your pet do something adorable? Did you get discounted chocolate after Valentine’s day? Did you actually do something on Valentine’s day with an actual human(s) you love????
Throw over your men and come to the Comment Awards!
LET’S HANG OUT. Warning: this post contains a puppy in a birthday hat.
I wanna’ know how you’re doing, friends, and what you’re up to, and everything about your life! Come hang with me! (And, yes, there are baby dino pics in here if you were wondering.)
Queer pirates, spooning, Harry Potter puns, A-Camp virgins, and your gorgeous kitchens!
We’ve got alternative yeasticides, sapphic cinema, a mama’s infinite love, and five million marchers – get in here!
Your communal photo gallery is here! Gaze upon nearly 200 queer as fuck kitchens, and the queers who queer them.
I’ve made a girl group playlist and intend to listen to it on loop at full capacity after filling Riese’s entire living room with sand, what are you doing?
I’m guest editing an essay series for Autostraddle next month and am looking for personal essays about how your black queer life has been saved or influenced by art in all forms, from television to sculpture.
How can we create refuge for each other?
Broadcasting live this week from the Upside Down, it’s your best and brightest comments!
It’s been A WEEK, but here we all are, together, ready to bring it in and talk it out.
This week we’ve got gay agendas, arson of the heart/other places and so much more!
This week we’ve got murder, turtles, stolen hearts and so much more!
This week we’ve got kittens, the Force, middle school dances and so much more!
This week we’ve got feelings about Hillary Clinton, thrift shopping, emojis and so much more!
I have to convince the U.S. government that I am a asset to society! Immigration is stressful! Let’s talk about something else!