Wilder Hungers: Falling Leaves and Galettes for Breakfast
“My goal is to use all the apples I picked without making 10 jars of jam as a cop-out. I think I’ve done pretty well so far.”
“My goal is to use all the apples I picked without making 10 jars of jam as a cop-out. I think I’ve done pretty well so far.”
“My beer defies the traditional expectations of a ‘girl’s beer.'”
I went to the Texas State Fair and all I got was a lousy turkey leg.
I should really just call this Lessons I’ve Learned While Watching My Girlfriend Make Pies.
The weather needs to get better because I have made a fall to do list that must be accomplished.
Brew a pot of your favorite flavor, grab some biscuits, put on your fancy hat and gloves, and let’s talk about how much we fucking love tea.
We’re going to update you on all the whiskeys our group will be tasting on the mountain so your presumably now-formed queer whiskey tasting friend-group can taste along with us. And our brand new obsession? Hudson Whiskey.
Unfancy easy lunch food.
Yet another food mistake that just makes sense.
Now that it’s seasonally appropriate (by my terms) to talk about autumnal things, I’m going to talk your ears off about my almost favorite season!
Rose’s Team Pick: Ever wished you could just try a new recipe with the stuff you already have in your fridge? Well, look no further than Supercook, which is designed to do exactly that!
Is this okay to eat?
“I had a dinner party at my new apartment the other night. By ‘dinner party’ I mean my girlfriend and my cousin came over and I made them scallion pancakes.”
Cucumbers and cream cheese: You’re into role play. Also maybe corsets.
“So when we grilled these maple-laced caramelized onion Gruyère behemoths on a rainy evening and neither of us lost an eye, I knew she was a keeper.”
And then, the epiphany — again like a sparkly gift from heaven, or maybe one of those sponsor gifts in the Hunger Games because atheism — it came to me: apple sandwich.
Or as I like to call it, A Journey Through Six Hundred Slices of Bread to Her Heart.
When you’re feeling fancy/not-fancy.
Recipes from my birthday bake sale: criss-cross peanut butter oatmeal cookies, chocolate mint brownies, seven-layer bars, vegan gluten-free applesauce situations and chocolate chip cookies!
“As decadent as the Cohen family pool house, as cold as Summer’s heart and as full of hot nuts as one of those weird beach parties they’re always having.”