First Person Politics + Activism

I’m Coming Out as an Anti-Zionist Jew

Going viral holding a sign that reads “My grandpa didn’t survive Auschwitz to bomb Gaza,” is not how I planned to start a conversation with my family condemning Israel’s actions against the Palestinian people. I’m not the only Jewish person who has long chosen to self-silence rather than stand with my values, but it’s not too late for other Jewish people to join me. The moment for Jewish-Palestinian solidarity is now.


Into the A+ Advice Box #35: Summer 2021 Dating Edition!

For the first themed A+ Advice Box in our new themed series, you asked questions about dating yourself after having a kid, dating your partner after lockdown, using dating apps when you are tired of screens in general, getting into casual dating, dating again after time periods ranging from 7 months to 4 years, whether love is a lie, and more!