The Comment Awards Are Everything but the Kitchen Sphinx
“Are they dancing? Are they grappling? Are they whispering secrets in each others’ ears? I am not familiar with this approach to therapy.”
“Are they dancing? Are they grappling? Are they whispering secrets in each others’ ears? I am not familiar with this approach to therapy.”
Are you ready for autumn and all its lattes?
We can do this. I mean we can probably do this. I mean get in here and let’s do this together.
I don’t know what to do with this week, so get in here and laugh with me.
Are you turning into your mom this week? Did you also have to give your cat some Xanax in order to have a happy home? Did you see that full moon in Aquarius??? She was so beautiful.
Yes brats.
Do you have an exercise routine? What do you do? Do you watch Youtube videos or follow an app or go to a gym? Do you have a workout buddy? What motivates you to keep going?
What if maybe everything’s okay? Or we decide that it could be? Get in here and discuss.
It’s been A Week! Get in here and laugh with me.
How was your week? How are your wrists doing? How’s your sleep hygiene? I hope you’re doing swimmingly (and are swimming!) and I want to hear all about it in the comments!
So tell me what you want, what you really really want.
Welcome to this week’s virtual sleepover.
What are these times in which we live?!
Once upon a time you told us a bunch of stuff about yourself and now I’m gonna tell you what you told me, but with pictures!
Straight girls go to prom together and give each other corsages and admire each other’s ‘necklaces’ all the time, right? Right?
Welcome to the Friday Open Thread, where we are probably all still bloated from our respective barbecues celebrating anything but rampant toxic nationalism.
In which we learn that Riese has never actually seen Practical Magic, and might have to send back her toaster.
So, about that time I was having a mental break.
“Dear Barbie: I’m not sure if you visit, but the more I think about it, the more I start to believe that you probably do.”