Autostraddle’s Most Popular Stories of 2022
From Generation Q to football gays, Stardew Valley to The Golden Girls, these were our most read posts of 2022.
From Generation Q to football gays, Stardew Valley to The Golden Girls, these were our most read posts of 2022.
“I’m just…I can’t stop watching this and blushing.”
“And here we thought the spruce syrup was just a tasty treat!”
“Hobbies I have tried and left by the wayside: crochet, sewing, knitting, Duolingo, yoga, marriage.”
“As always, Tina has a lot to answer for.”
“It’s the Wicked Witch to queer kinkiness pipeline.”
It’s impossible for indie media to exist without reader support!
“Some people grumble about how much “easier” younger generations have it.”
“Don’t talk to me or my 23,000 sexes until you’ve had a nice long think about cisnormativity.”
“The dapper Black girl that danced and sang about the future had led me to a new corner of the universe and I was smitten.”
“To come into myself, to really integrate my queerness as an essential part of myself, I needed to start telling the stories I had been holding in for so long.”
“It was like needing food, and eating a pile of smooth, round stones instead. It was almost a life.”
“I would rather the limitations be financial than be limits on my work, my voice, my personhood.”
“I remember telling my girlfriend at the time, ‘I’m going to write for them some day,’ to which she replied, ‘You can try but it’s pretty competitive. I don’t think you’ll ever be good enough to write for them.'”
“My first attempt was actually cara-bi-ners, before I realized the dashes were there for a reason!”
I want fewer queer books slipping through the cracks.
No, this is UNHEARD OF.
Are the lights on?
Who wouldn’t love to see the AS senior staff sit in a bathtub of cold legumes, just for the sheer hell of it?
“Sharing my stories with that audience never felt right — I always felt like I was explaining, never that I was just telling my truth.”