Spring Edit: You Know What Your Main Bag Needs? A Smaller Bag Inside It
In which I gently boss you into cleaning out your bag and putting in things you’ll actually use.
In which I gently boss you into cleaning out your bag and putting in things you’ll actually use.
Give some love to your yard, stoop, fire escape, garden, patio, porch, wherever you spend time outside!
Welcome to Spring Edit, a new miniseries all about giving your life a little refresh for warmer weather.
You know what we could all use as we march into March? Light. Literally.
I’m a morning person — my fiancé is NOT.
I’m getting more sleep, and I’ve started wearing them casually as I’m doing homework in the library or taking the bus to work.
If you, too, want MILFy vibes without having to have children, I highly, highly recommend a silk pillowcase!
All of your favorites, old and new, on sale like never before!
If I want to lean into a more femme style this month, or if I want to try a bunch of different new jumpsuits, or if I want to test the new trendy style of jeans in a bunch of different washes: these are now all options for me!
If you ask me, there’s no such thing as having too many blankets.
We’ve got A League Of Their Own Peaches Tee, Peaches Socks, an All Stars Cap, new tees and restocks of your fav items ALL on sale!
Another year around the sun and it’s finally time to stuff our faces then buy a ton of stuff online. Why not check out the Autostraddle Store and get ahead of the gift game?
The product description boldly claimed that it would DOUBLE MY HAPPINESS. I’m actually already pretty happy, but it did make me 100% less likely to hear a man’s voice in my home, which is as close to magic as you can get in this human realm.
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Finding lingerie that fits your body might seem like not a big deal, but I firmly believe everyone deserves to feel good in their bodies. If feeling good means putting on a velvet teddy, then you should have that option available to you.
Haven’t you heard? Summer isn’t over yet, and it’s only going to get hotter from here.
Whether that means family reunion or alumni weekend, what you wear is a great way to communicate. Maybe you’re the hot gay aunt. The cool gay sibling. Maybe you were drunk for most of college and have come back to show how much you’ve grown.
This is a packing list for VACATIONS. The ones where you aren’t really doing anything, just reading a ton of romance novels between dips in the ocean and playing board games while drinking wine at night.
Rent-A-Butch and The Handy Dyke provide queer customers a safe and friendly option in a space dominated by straight cis men.
This all started because I have been shopping for nipple pasties.