The Secret Dairy-Free Agenda: Subverting Lactose at the Thanksgiving Table
“So what are you going to eat?”
“So what are you going to eat?”
Let’s make our leftover game plan now so we can just focus on digestion this weekend.
My grandma shoved 30 dollars in my hand once and told me, “Always tell the truth about who you are and know we’ll love you anyway.”
“As it turned out, stuffing turkeys on the graveyard shift was a bonding experience that could not be transcended.”
I mean, not literally. But tell us about your heart and tell us about what you’re eating, you know?
“On the day before Thanksgiving, the day after and the 362 other days of the year (including Christmas) hardly any volunteers, well known or not, showed up to help.”
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without Frozen Jellied Turkey Vegetable Salad!
This year we decided to skip the Tofurkey and try a few new things, with delicious results.
Eleven months ago, there was still a possibility of Rick Santorum becoming President, so don’t say 2012 never gave you anything.
Who doesn’t love a tiny pumpkin cheesecake that fits in the palm of your hand and smells like autumnal bliss? Plus a delicious buttery tofurkey!
As a non-normative person, there are a lot of traditions I get shellacked on. But one thing I can do is traditional alcohol. There’s so much tradition behind alcohol of all sorts, so much history and artistry. And one thing that screams holidays to me is mulled wine.
You’re eating Tofurkey somewhere new this year? What the hell are you going to wear?
It’s likely that your parents are mulling over their own special set of holigay related dilemmas.
As the sign outside a metro Boston liquor store once said, “Because holidays are for family.”
It’s our third annual Thanksgiving open thread and when you’re here — you’re family. You’re TOTALLY family.
“The entire day was pretty much a game show of Obama vs. My Mama.”
You got feelings? Join the club. Take a seat. Extra mashed potatoes for everyone.
Six yummy and happenstancely vegan side dishes for your holiday feast!
Canadian Thanksgiving happened on October 11, which means that Carolyn and all the other Canadians have already experienced the joys of family togetherness. Lucky for you, she documented the whole thing. Recipes included!
Hey girls all over the world, how’s your Thanksgiving going? Did you come out as a lesbian or weirdo? Is anyone watching Glenn Beck? Do you live in Canada? Tell us your stories. Open thread open 24/7.