She’s a 10 But She Doesn’t Read Books
She has no real interest in reading and you just can’t move past it! Also, what to do when your partner’s new friend is no friend of yours?
She has no real interest in reading and you just can’t move past it! Also, what to do when your partner’s new friend is no friend of yours?
But actually — have you tried asking someone to prom with a crossword puzzle? It’s a good move!
We would never betray our sources, even if they’ve won 9 Grammy Awards.
See you next week for the conclusion of this learning journey.
Well, maybe not a size queen. But other kinds of queens!
Some things are missing, but did the cat-sitter actually steal them? That’d be nuts, right? Also, is it a red flag if someone isn’t friends with their exes?
The contents of said list are surprisingly mundane.
Like, 15×15 squares big. That’s a huge (compared to other Autostraddle puzzles)!
BRB, gotta go feed my starter.
The drag queens loved your toddler and your aunt is absolutely losing her mind! Also, can you ask your gf to shave her bush?
“Suddenly I was pregnant. And then I was a dropout. And then I was a single mother. I had no money or resources outside of my deeply evangelical family, the same people who’d taken me to picket outside of abortion clinics when I was six years old.”
Say that ten times fast.
As in, it might take a while. What did you think we meant?
It just feels weird that the one sober person gets to decide that no one else can drink at dinner? Also, these gendered baby gifts ffs!
Does anyone have embroidery thread we can borrow?
See what we did there?
Your friend’s art is not great, but they keep asking you to share it on social. Also, a reader is feeling a little too embodied after having a baby.
Surely it must be, right?!
Settle a debate for us: Is it still brunch if it happens before 10am, or is that just breakfast?