FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Building From Small Moments
Let’s talk about those really tiny really good things that happened to you this week!
Let’s talk about those really tiny really good things that happened to you this week!
“Petition to call a group of feminists ‘A Simmering Rage?'”
It’s a brand new year and you know what that means – BRAND NEW PLANNERS!
“Is being #teamjughead going to be like being obsessed with Devon Sawa for the next generation of pre-out lesbians?”
“Hanging out with Mallory Ortberg would be like a slo-mo acid trip in the Getty Museum.”
What impossible thing are you doing? What impossible things have you done? What are you adding to your list?
“The Ocean’s 8 trailer is gayer than the Carol one, I’ll tell you that right now.”
Welcome to our virtual Autostraddle Holigay Meet-Up — I brought Nutella stuffed brown butter salted chocolate chip cookies!
Milk is not a sexy beverage.
Let’s spill to each other like we’re at a high school sleepover and make a new video queue or two.
Will it fit? Only one way to find out!
It is the first day of December and it is also my very first time hosting a Friday Open Thread on Autostraddle dot com! Come say hi please!
“I finally understand why the straights were so worried we were going to ruin marriage. Apparently, they wanted to do it themselves.”
Mommi Mia, here we go again.
Work AND leave my house? Eat well AND go to bed on time? Hang out with other people AND also myself? How do you even do that? (No really, I’m actually asking you.)
“Can confirm bisexuality to be even more luxurious than a fancy tin can.”
It’s 2 pm where I am and it’s gonna be dark out in like two hours! Yikes! Get in here and keep me company!
We’re having a great time in here!!!
Let’s gather ’round and build each other up! Deep breaths.