FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Who Was Your Most/Least Favorite Teacher?
It’s Abeni’s first time hosting the Friday Open Thread, and today we’re talking about teachers – and, you know, anything else you want to talk about!
It’s Abeni’s first time hosting the Friday Open Thread, and today we’re talking about teachers – and, you know, anything else you want to talk about!
Crack me like one of your French pistachios.
Tell us about what makes your hometown special and weird!
“Talk about draining conversations.”
Happy Friday, Happy Saturday if you’re in Tiara’s part of the world, and Happy Lunar New Year to those of you that celebrate it!
“Wanna team up for a little destruction?”
I scream, you scream, we all scream for bi-scream!
Join Natalie in reviewing this rollercoaster of a week, share all your feelings, and celebrate the premiere of Black Panther this weekend!
“I have never in my life been so simultaneously supported in my truth and called out for my bullshit.”
It’s peak Pride season right now in Tiara’s part of the world. What does Pride look like where you live?
“Thin Mints is the uber-domme of lesbians. She walks into a room and owns it. No other cookie challenges her. She wears dark colors, and her clothes and hair are rigidly smooth. Bow down and acknowledge her.”
18. “sea hag costume”
Remember in the ’90s when you’d get a “Best Friends” necklace and one of you would get “Best” and the other would get “Friends” and it didn’t really matter what side you got all that mattered was that now everybody knew that you and her were serious about each other, like very serious, maybe not serious in the exact way that you wished you were serious with her, but still quite very serious?
What stories do you tell yourselves in order to do what needs to be done?
“If Ventura is a ‘charmingly hip wine mom of a town’ does that make this the Mommi of A-Camps?”
What was your favorite thing from this week?
“Tag yourself — I’m ‘not sure who is supposed to make the first move.'”
Happy Friday I have a crush on an actor! Let’s talk about it!!
“Of course Kristen would be scissors.”