Neil Gorsuch Is Trump’s Nominee for Supreme Court Justice, Also a Real Slimeball
Neil Gorsuch has the potential to preside over crucial LGBT-related cases in the next few years, and he’s considered farther to the right than Scalia was.
Neil Gorsuch has the potential to preside over crucial LGBT-related cases in the next few years, and he’s considered farther to the right than Scalia was.
Come for the snark. Stay for the real-ass news and advice about how to take back our country.
We have so much to lose.
Trump and his administration are still just as dangerous and threatening to LGBT rights as they always have been.
Actions to take from beyond US borders to oppose Trump and the rise of fascism globally.
Who needs to call: people who live in Iowa, Utah, South Carolina, Texas, Nebraska, Arizona, Idaho, North Carolina and Louisiana. People from Utah and Texas, both your Senators are on this committee and you should call both of them.
We’re going to need to use our bodies and our voices as weapons against the Trump administration. We’re going to need to be brave.
They want to overwhelm us and exhaust us with the chaos. I reject that. Here’s a recap of every anti-science action Trump’s administration made this week and some ways to fight back.
From immigrants to refugees to Native land to the denizens of Chicago and more, Trump’s already making it very clear who he plans to hurt with the power of his office. A few months ago they were bigoted campaign promises; now they’re very quickly becoming terrifying reality.
Republicans in Congress, emboldened by Trump’s promise to support them carte blanche, are moving swiftly to destroy the federal regulations the Obama administration put in place to protect the environment, the economy, and public education.
Who needs to call: people who live in Utah, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Wyoming, Texas, South Dakota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Louisiana.
Since Trump has officially taken office, he has signed several executive orders, one that puts women’s lives in danger all across the world. Today he signed executive orders to continue construction of Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.
“I’m ready to have an open heart and open mind and be ready to participate and show up for my community.”
Who needs to call: people who live in Tennessee, Wyoming, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Louisiana, Indiana, Utah, Kansas and Alaska. Who needs to act? Everyone who knows anyone who lives in these states.
In honor of all the other crips I saw in the streets on the Women’s March on Washington, of every disabled woman who’s had it with lip service and wants to make sure this movement belongs to all of us, here are ten more who are already preparing the way.
Here’s what Molly saw on the ground in D.C. at the Women’s March on Washington.
The Women’s March was a record-breaking worldwide protest against Donald Trump, and you’re gonna love all these photos of lesbians, queers, gays, bisexuals and allies who rallied for the occasion.
The revolution will need signage.
Riese and Erin are watching the inauguration so you don’t have to!
“On Inauguration day, under the banner ‘The Future Is Feminist,’ a feminist affinity group organizing with the DisruptJ20 coalition, we will disrupt the flow of foot traffic to all Inauguration Day events, and focus public attention on the incoming administration’s open misogyny and hostility toward the rights of women.”