Evil Cylon Somer Bingham Infiltrates The Real L Word: The Autostraddle Interview
“Get ready to do meta-reality somersaults about sci fi, chihuahua tossing, and Russian literature.”
“Get ready to do meta-reality somersaults about sci fi, chihuahua tossing, and Russian literature.”
Is there anything I love better than teen marketed award shows?
“Girl/Girl Scene” brings you Season 2 of the girl-on-girl scene in Lexington, Kentucky.
Criticism aimed at “The Newsroom” for not respecting its female characters might be missing the larger picture.
In which Ash tells you everything you missed before the Firefly reunion at San Diego Comic Con.
Season 3 of The Real L Word just premiered, so we’re being avant garde and are finally releasing the SEASON TWO PARODY VIDEO OH MY GOD.
Just in case you weren’t already planning on it.
Remember that webseries Brittani created and Sarah Croce directed? It’s back. Words With Girls Episode 2 now available for your face with some surprise Hannah Hart action.
Curated video from 80’s and 90’s afterschool specials in which being gay was a lot like being a tornado or a flesh-eating virus.
Jess chats with the couple about camp, the reality TV experience, the upcoming election, finding an anonymous sperm donor, Smash, Oprah, their Real L Word comrades and — in an Autostraddle exclusive — the sex of their baby, due in October!
Australian actors Renee Lim (Alex) and Debra Ades (Scarlet) open up about their experiences shooting The Newtown Girls. Also, watch the season finale!
“The Peculiar Kind says something a lot of us already know but few of us ever really talk about: the fact that activism can look like anything, that we feel for our work and fight for our causes, but we also find comfort in each other.”
Just when you’d totally forgotten that “The Real L Word” exists at all, here’s a teaser for our parody, because everybody loves a good tease…
It all started when Krisily met a girl at a dog park who turned out to be an actress with a job on a television show where she played a character named “Shane.”
On the upside, nobody died in a fire.
Lindsay Lohan didn’t show up for her Ellen appearance. To cheer you up, we bring you SEVENTEEN other lesbosexy Ellen interviews. (THIS IS EPIC)
ATTENTION LESBIANS: Something funny is happening on The Internets and you DO NOT want to miss it.
Did Keesha and Vick save Bambi’s wedding? Will Harmony find inner peace? Was it good? (It was good, right?) The answers to those questions and more lie inside the First Season Finale of Unicorn Plan-It!
Whitney’s Team Pick: If you watch Girl/Girl Scene, I promise you’ll see: 1.) Hot ladies. 2.) Hot ladies. 3.) Hot ladies doing it.