Is Beyoncé Plotting To Drop A New Album and Break The Internet Again?
Maybe there’s a new Beyoncé album about to drop out of the sky? Maybe not, but there’s a mysterious track list for Volume 2 making the rounds…
Maybe there’s a new Beyoncé album about to drop out of the sky? Maybe not, but there’s a mysterious track list for Volume 2 making the rounds…
Love her or hate her, you’ve got to admit she’s got the most emoji-ful discography of all time.
Excitement over tomorrow’s complete box set release has transformed into a frenzy over a new album and tour.
The band’s latest music video contains all the queers in blazers, “happy hard core” and awkward glances you’ll need for the week.
Perdóname, but Selena sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
“Nicks dubbed the Haim trio her “sisters of the moon,” gifting them with matching moon pendants hanging on gold chains. I can’t make this shit up.”
Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candlelight, if you can have successful sex to this playlist then you’re really in love.
What if we just talked about ALL THE SONGS AT ONCE?!
Emerging artist Lowell’s “storied” past is a lot less important than her current catchy message of LGBT love and acceptance.
I feel like a long-distance relationship is sometimes built on the mountain in-between a memory and a waking dream. Here’s some music from the borderline.
Local Bay Area band GAYmous launched their first ever music video last week, and it’s basically the most awesome thing ever.
Jay-Z was also pretty adorable.
The Feminist Internet is, as usual, scrambling to decide: empowering, or not empowering? If anyone had actually been paying attention to Nicki all these years, they’d already know the answer.
The track finally puts to rest the empty calls for “peace” amidst ongoing protests in Ferguson, Missouri since the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.
2.5 hours of tunes, because we know how long brunch takes.
Tegan and Sara, detox crafts, Baconland and TREES.
LGBTQ rights groups are joining activists, allies and former performers in opposing Michfest’s trans-female-exclusionary intention, and if Michfest wants to attract new fans, it needs to listen up.
They’re from all over the globe kickin’ ass and takin’ names one record at a time. Hear them. See them. Support them!
“And how is it that no one texted me that Nicki Minaj was in my hotel wearing denim cutoffs, 7″ black Louboutins, and a cutoff tank with my face on it? I’mma fire everyone on my security team.”