A Huge Win For Trans Kids, Another Judicial F-ck You to Donald Trump in 7th Circuit Ruling
The 7th Circuit’s ruling in Ash Whitaker’s bathroom access case has the potential to create sweeping change for trans people in the United States.
The 7th Circuit’s ruling in Ash Whitaker’s bathroom access case has the potential to create sweeping change for trans people in the United States.
Facilitating a small group requires skills that aren’t always intuitive. I’ve got some tips and tricks and types of small group breakout sessions to help ya’ out!
Five lessons that start to explore just how much we can learn from our queer and trans forebears in AIDS activism.
Lots of people are talking about gentrification, but who’s actually doing something about it? Queer and trans people of color, of course. In Oakland and Seattle, QTPOC are creating visionary solutions to combat gentrification and reclaim land for communities of color.
Seventh-Day Adventist pastor Alicia Johnston knew she would lose leadership of her congregation when she came out as bisexual, but did it anyway. She talked with Autostraddle about her hopes to the future, and how she wants to continue ministering to queer people of faith.
Maybe the reason Trump wants to pretend nobody has studied the Civil War is because he knows even a cursory look at history will expose his tricks.
Let’s let love win, but not let love be our only strategy. Why we need to understand love and power together to win intersectional justice for all.
Trump doesn’t want to deal with LGBTQ activists, but he’s happy to legitimize discrimination even if he’s not legalizing it.
A lot of terrible, overwhelming things are happening for our community, right now. Let’s hold one another and try to understand what’s going on.
Trump is reportedly planning to sign a “religious liberty” executive order that has Mike Pence written all over it — in the meantime, over 200 members of Congress say they’ll just go ahead and file a bill that adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the Civil Rights Act.
This year, unions and organizations came together across the country to push back on Trump’s immigration policies and showed how labor rights and immigrant rights intersect.
When we (or our siblings) are under attack, stand up DANCE BACK.
One woman had her jaw broken and seven teeth knocked out, another a dislocated shoulder and bruised kidney, two left with black eyes — and, the victims of this homophobic attack tell the press, police have been handling the case “completely wrong.”
The Trump administration’s battle against environmental regulations and denial of climate change are terrifying, but the US isn’t the only nation that needs to do better by the planet, and fast. A scientist tells us what needs to be done, and where we can start.
From A to Z (ok, technically to W), organizing terms you may know and some you should know! Get in here and learn what positionality, patch throughs, Twitter storms, U-1 consensus, and grasstops engagement are all about!
On Earth Day, we marched for Science. We marched for space exploration and cures for disease, for electricity and for the planet, and for everything that science has a hand in which is, well, everything.
Reed, who grew up in Carol City and graduated from American Senior High School, was just 28 years old. She is the sixth trans woman of color under the age of thirty murdered this year, and the eighth Black trans woman murdered this year.
Thousands of people across the nation showed up to say that we, the people, want to see Donald’s tax returns.
How to organize a meeting that won’t result in headaches, boredom, or existential dread.
The government needs to know that we support increasing abortion rights, not suppressing them, and that it is absolutely unacceptable to force uterus owners to fund an organisation trying to restrict our bodily autonomy.