The Comment Awards Are Making the Yuletide Gay
“That duck for sure has an Alternative Lifestyle Feathercut.”
“That duck for sure has an Alternative Lifestyle Feathercut.”
What helps you glow up? Share it in the thread!
“I’m blushing in ways I cannot fully blame on the wine.”
It’s Carmen’s first full day as your new Associate Editor! She didn’t want it to end without saying Hi to all of you!
If you want to host a Cozy Holigay Meet-Up, here’s what to do.
Let’s have a check in about fall TV!
“My mom watched The L Word before I did, so really this must be her fault.”
Yvonne, voice of the people.
Let’s all celebrate each other looking our hottest and most powerful — since power started to look a little different this week.
After more than five years at Autostraddle, Yvonne is stepping down as senior editor. But before she goes, she wanted to take some time to reflect on her time here and to thank the incredible team and community that she’s had the pleasure of getting to know over the years.
I carved a tarot pumpkin (all the tarot suits, not posting a picture because I messed up the Cups) and roasted the pumpkin seeds (not pictured because we ate them before we could photograph them) and asked my new oracle deck if there were any messages I needed to pick up from the beyond. I pulled this card.
It’s the Friday before Halloween and I want to know your spookiest stories!! ??
Pipkin’s into the treat bag again!
Find out who Riese ships with Baby-Sitter’s Club founder Kristy Thomas on this week’s Queery podcast!
Spooky season is upon us!
“We call them junderpants.”
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil.
“It would be amazing/hilarious/infuriating if Disney’s first true queer representation was in a movie about lesbian dogs.”
Standing up for yourself at work: Intimidating? You bet. Necessary? That too. So let’s talk about it!