TV Show Recaps

LOST Series Finale Liveblog: The Last WTF!

Autostraddle’s LOST Liveblog! Shit’s gonna go DOWN, so get your Dharma-issued beer at the ready. Because we have a drinking game for ya, and well, cause it’s gonna be intense! And you might want to put towels under your doors like you did when you got high in college, because you know the smoke monster’s gonna be making a cameo. Join us! Be warned, this is basically one huge spoiler.

TV Feature

Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono Celebrate at “We Have to Stop Now” Season Two Premiere

Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono held a feature length screening and outdoor bash to celebrate the second season launch of lesbian web-series, “We Have to Stop Now.” We have exclusive photos from the party including Q&A footage and a first look review that breaks down why this is entertainment worth paying for. Plus, a one-on-one interview with writer/creator Ann Noble!

TV Feature

Toni Collette is Queering Gender in United States of Tara: The Autostraddle Interview

Season 2 of United States of Tara kicks things up a notch with homo-sexy goodness with Joey Lauren Adams and further explores her gay son Marshall’s sexuality. We met up with the woman of a thousand looks and accents to talk about straddling the line of gender roles and norms, her preparation for playing multiple characters within the same TV series, what major role she turned down and more!

TV Feature

TV Capture Caption Contest: Round #1

Who says you have to watch a TV show in order to know what happened? Maybe you can’t judge a book by its cover, but can you judge an episode from a still frame? We think you can, and encourage you to do so! Add your own captions to these photos, and you might win the illustrious “Caption of the Week” award.