TV News & Trailers

Sofia Black D’Elia Will Play Lesbian “Tea” in MTV’s Skins US, is a Shoo-In for AfterEllen’s 2011 Hot 100

MTV’s Skins US announced its cast and Sofia Black D’Elia will be playing the lesbian charcter, Tea. Also, weird lesbo hugs for Queen Latifah and her girlfriend I MEAN ‘trainer’, bizarre lesbian advice in the Daily Star, Lady Gaga’s stage dive at Lolla, Judge Walker’s post-trial party, Jane Lynch’s SNL hosting gig and NOM’s sucky summer.

TV Feature

Televisionary Q&A: How “Real” is “The Real L Word”?

I’ve got some questions about “The Real L Word.” So I tracked down a veteran reality TV editor and established fan of reality teevee programs to get the scoop on how scenes get constructed, what makes TRLW different than other shows, the Theory of the Dogs, “Frakenbiting,” who controls the “stories” being told and other supreme secrets of editorial magic!

The L Word

Easy, Girls: L Word Fans Hurl Selves at Feet of Hailey, Moennig

Autostraddle’s fearless guest correspondent Hayley braved hordes of screaming L word fans to bring you all the details of L7, the seventh convention for L Word fans, held in Birmingham, UK. Questions! Answers! Pet turtles! Ever wonder what Kate Moennig thought about Shenny or what Leisha Hailey has to say about Kate’s skills in the BOUDOIR? Read on, queers, so that you can sleep better at night knowing the answers.

TV Reviews

Real L Word Premieres Sunday, Hated It

The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime &! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.

TV News & Trailers

Lesbian on Skins USA: Is MTV’s Skins Swapping Out Gay Maxxie For Lesbian “Tea”?

Skins USA, based on Cycle 1 of the British series, has been picked up by MTV and is shooting in Baltimore. Early reports suggested that the gay character “Maxxie” would become “Teo” in the US version, but we’ve got news that Teo is out the window — replaced by a lesbian cheerleader named “Tea.” HOW HOT IS THAT GONNA BE. Also: Skins movie news, Adam Lambert’s tour, Reality Bites Rocks, remembering Rue & moar.