Fan Fiction Friday: 13 Lesbian Weddings (And Zero Funerals)
Faberry and Brittana and Swan Queen and Xena and Janeway and Korrasami, oh my!
Faberry and Brittana and Swan Queen and Xena and Janeway and Korrasami, oh my!
Are you sad because you binged and now it’s over? Don’t worry; that’s what fan fiction is for!
“Stahma Tarr has undergone one of the most remarkable patriarchy-smashing story arcs I’ve ever seen, just a straight up Squib-to-Slytherin transformation that actually all started when she fell in love with another woman.”
It’s live! Tell us all your feelings, and we will tell you ours!
“Two sets of breasts in the first 50 seconds told me not to bother.”
Season two is almost here. It’s time to ready your heart for the drama bombs.
“Emily might just realize that she’s now got a soul mate closer to her than she ever thought,” said Pretty Little Liars executive producer Oliver Goldstick because he wants to kill us.
Do you smell apples? I smell apples.
Including a Hogwarts AU in which Shaw comes from Drumstrang to compete in the Triwizard Tournament!
If we had a Time-Turner, this list would be 1,000 stories long.
Enough Cosima and Delphine sweetness (and smut) to keep you occupied until this weekend’s season three premiere.
Watch Clexa fall in love on road trips across the United States and in Quidditch matches at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
“Ruth lifts her head, smiles demure and sweet, her lips swollen with kissing. ‘Can’t miss a chance to minister to a heathen like you, Idgie.'”
And a profile with series creator Ellen Simpson, who writes all kinds of fan fiction too!
“17. Oh god, is anyone on this show a medical doctor? ANYONE?”
“I struggled with my sexuality for a long time and I think it would have been so much easier if I’d seen someone like me on TV or in a movies or in books. Femslash fan fiction gave me that; the stories I read showed I wasn’t alone because other people had to think like me if they’re writing about this stuff.”
This week, Buffy celebrated its 18th birthday, so we’re rejoicing with some sexy Faith/Buffy and Willow/Tara stories.
Keep calm and fall in love with your sidekick, over and over and over.
Sure, some things need to be said when they need to be said, but apparently “that’s the guy from Lost!” is not one of those things?
Shining, shimmering, splendid.