FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Let’s Celebrate Being Single This Summer!
Honestly, being single rules. Let’s discuss.
Honestly, being single rules. Let’s discuss.
“Happy to see Lost and Delirious finally getting all the recognition it deserves after its cruel snub on the dead lesbians of television list!”
I want us to have a giant queer brainstorming session about how to bring the focus of Pride back to it’s origins.
“Rosanna Arquette as Cherie Jaffe is *definitely* Mommi.”
Plus top hat-shaped holes in our hearts, what if the brownies were gay tho?, and polar bear flirting facts.
Get in here and recommend all the good (gay) books!
Do you have certain memories tied to specific scents? I know I do! Come hang out! It smells great in here!
“No cops at Pride, just a group of queers eating through these thousands of cookies that I brought from home.”
Spring is the best time for fashion in my opinion! A time for light jackets, layering, body hair, cut offs, sunburnt tattoos, backpacks full of beer, all the good stuff! What are you wearing these days?
“IDK why the basket of fruit sent me over the edge, like, queer women have really been gay disasters since the dawn of time.”
“I can actually be athletic when I put my mind to it and I always turn into a Butch Hulk whenever someone is in need so I’m not saying I’ll be able to carry you up a mountain but if you really need me, I’m also not saying I *won’t* be able to carry you up that mountain.”
“Turns out there’s nothing better than f*cking under cover of deep, tall grass in the sunshine. Currently protecting my field spot like a dragon.”
I need your help. Maybe you need my help. Let’s all hang out and give each other good and bad advice!
“If Katie McGrath could spend her one precious month of Supergirl hiatus to go on the other side of the globe, where every spider is a killer, to kiss women on screen again, I can face another day of my gay life.”
Let’s talk about big gay superpowers we’d want like being invisible to straight people or growing out undercuts in an instant.
“Please would you like to bang? I think you’re glorious.”
Does anyone want to do some backup vocals for me on “Since U Been Gone”?
“Call me by my/your name.”
BLAZE ITTTTT!!! Happy Friday let’s talk about our vices!
“Relationship Milestone: Buying a two-pack of coconut oil to make vegan gingerbread for her, then never hanging out again.”