10 Cute Couple Things I Imagined Javicia Leslie and Jojo Gibbs Doing in “Something From Tiffany’s”
Sapphic wives in a new Christmas movie? Yes! Now make them the main characters!
Sapphic wives in a new Christmas movie? Yes! Now make them the main characters!
I chose four new to me recipes — a gingerbread cake, gingerbread rolled cookies, gingerbread drop cookies, and gingerbread bars — and am here to report back.
Personally, I think it’s kind of f*cked up how decadent amaretti cookies are.
That Christmas with queer family reminded me that multiple possibilities exist even in the darkest of places.
Consider this your break from happy endings and an opportunity for some gay yuletide catharsis.
Consider all of these results my official pitches for absurd lesbian Christmas movies that should be made! Get at me, Hallmark!
This overlooked kinda-Christmas movie from 2009 features Drew Barrymore as the bisexual daughter of a telephone wire enthusiast who never takes his jacket off and also Kate Moennig is in it!
Bonus: Literal patriarchal destruction! My grown-up Christmas wish!
I love surprise lesbians, especially when they ruin Christmas for homophobes, so this little Hallmark movie was a hit for me!
The lyric “someday soon, we all will be together, if the fates allow” is very Sappho if you know what I mean. I’ll take any opportunity to find the dyke root in any piece of media, so why not rank some holiday classics by how much lesbian energy they exude?
Also! The tricky trans politics of FX’s Y: The Last Man, Rosanny Zayas on Afro-Latina representation, Courtney Vandersloot makes more WNBA history, and more!
Riese: I would text Riley and be like “you up?”
Carly: Are you still at the gay bar…? Because?
Riese: I would come back incensed with rage and ready to make a mistake.
Carly: Ready to ruin my relationship.
Riese: Yes. I would be full of the spirit of ruin and ready to share it.
Carly: Which is not Christmas spirit, but it is kind of related.
Yule this year is meant to be quiet, relaxing, comforting, and joyful. With so many new traditions beginning, and a few old favorites getting incorporated into this next chapter of my life, I feel full of hope in spite of the challenges this year has brought. Sending love and warmth to you and yours.
Today, toys are less about a harder better faster stronger version of more of the same, and all about the different ways it’s possible to experience pleasure and sensation.
Kitchen gifts for beginners and people who get bored in kitchen. I mean, I love making dinner but also like damn we really gotta have dinner EVERY NIGHT?????!!!!
It’s time to normalize giving sex toys as gifts, and not just to partners. Everyone’s stuck at home anyway!
Whether you’re convinced America is on the brink of collapse and want to get your loved ones some gear to survive the coming hellscape, or you think they could use some quality hiking and camping stuff so they can safely get outdoors and away from everyone else, this gift guide has you covered.
Here are 16 mutual aid funds that we’re supporting this holiday season. Tell us about the ones that are closest to your heart, too!
Happy Holidays hotties! It’s time for my quick and easy gift guide filled with toys from my favorites — the babes at Wet For Her! I went through the site with a perfectly manicured nail to find the best gifts to give yourself, your partner, and even for playing sexy virtual Santa with your friends.
Welcome to Home Alone for the Holigays! Where our writers welcome you to spend the day with them virtually and live-tweet one of their favorite holiday films. Come kick it with Dani, watch Black Christmas and have a mocktail or two.