VIDEO – Autostraddle Behind-the-Scenes #5: Julie & Brandy Have Tyra Mail For Nacho
Just a sort of important puppy thing we need you to check out
Just a sort of important puppy thing we need you to check out
Talk about speed-dating.
‘The Office’ writer/actress Mindy Kaling tweeted out her unused storyline pitches for Steve Carell’s character, Michael Scott.
Generation L promises to be “a sensational new reality series that goes behind closed doors and into the lives and bedrooms of the new generation of gay women.” Neat, huh.
How did Emily get Paige’s photo on her cell-phone is what I want to know.
This week we all learned about what can happen if you drink too much. For example this recap.
The only thing that would’ve made it more lesbiany is if there had been a lesbian in it, or if Brittany and Santana had made out.
Hearts are warmed, words are yelled, hugs are hugged, lips are kissed — it’s “All Em, all the time.”
How you’ll learn to stop worrying about lesbians and love Franky Fitzgerald.
Bette Porter, Carmen de la Pica Morales, Helena Peabody and Alice Pieszecki have been asking for you.
This week on Pretty Little Liars, everyone gets wet and/or pissed and/or lied to/about. I’m 95% sure that Sounder is A.
“Like a recurrent bout of dysentery, this show is the gift that keeps on giving.”
Who wants to tell the truth about gay bullying? Who wants to get their head shoved into a swimming pool? Are eyes the windows to your soul, or are they just things you look out of while scary music plays?
In which we briefly discuss ‘Police Women of [City]’ and how it makes us feel. Between the legs.
Are you ready, Kermit?
This episode is the reason you’re watching Skins US
The Oprah show was even gayer than normal yesterday as she brought back her fave LGBT guests. Let’s celebrate with our favorite interviews! Ellen+Anne, Ellen+Portia, Glambert and more!
This week on Pretty Little Liars, Emily’s Mom tries to cockblock Emily’s burgeoning lesbian love affair with Maya.
I liked the show