Julie Goldman & Coach Beiste Will Be On “Drag U” Tonight Getting a Glamazon Makeover
Rachel’s Team Pick: Julie Goldman is gonna be a GLAMAZON.
Rachel’s Team Pick: Julie Goldman is gonna be a GLAMAZON.
“If this outfit was a monster, it would be Gayzilla.”
“All this whispering and sneaking around has the effect of making the Liars seem like they’re all in secret lesbian relationships with each other.”
Another captivating episode of that weird reality show about lesbians. This week everyone goes on a field trip but none of those field trips are roller derby.
“This outfit totally makes sense, because who doesn’t study/sleep in a full panted strappy romper?”
“Each of the on-air promos for the new reality show feature teasing close-up images that appear to be of two women engaged in sexual activity, intercut with lines such as ‘Red… hot… lesbians’ and ‘Pussy… loving… ladies’. “
The Real L Word returns with even more drinking and slightly less sperm and no Francine whatsoever.
In which Tara engages in activities also enjoyed by lesbians! Surprise!
Are you ready? I don’t think you’re ready.
Someone at ABC Family knows about my Pride Outfit and the go-to Lesbian Date Outfit and I know where you can get the things to look like the girls on the show!
Try suckin’ on a different body part for a change.
This week on Pretty Little Liars, Emily went on a date with one of the numerous pretty lesbians in the Niagra Falls area.
The good news is that my recap is done / “I wish instead of being this show, this show was a re-run of Friends”
Glee names lesbian TV writer Allison Adler as it’s new co-executive producer. Also, Jane Lynch and Gwyneth Paltrow cameo on the tour being filmed for the Glee 3D movie.
What if A. was a lesbian? WHAT THEN?
“Like yes, am I a lesbian who has sex and falls in love and gets my heart broken and gets drunk? Yes, but I’m a lot of other things too.”
13 Lesbian Conversations About the Same Thing.
I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!
Second verse, same as the first, but a little bit louder and a much less worse.