“2 Broke Girls” Pimp Out a Lesbian Horse
“2 Broke Girls” continues to push the limit of how many hipster jokes you can make in one episode.
“2 Broke Girls” continues to push the limit of how many hipster jokes you can make in one episode.
Involves tongue.
Wil Wheaton returned to Big Bang Theory. Parks and Rec was SO good and “Community was perfect. I don’t even want to talk about it because everyone should just watch it and be amazed and in awe and kiss Dan Harmon in the mouth.”
Televisionary! You know the drill: Modern Family, Up All Night and Happy Endings — remembered fondly by Lizz and Brittani.
Caroline and Max danced together on “2 Broke Girls.” There was some butt to crotch action so they’re pretty much dating now.
I have 48 packages of Ramen. No joke.
TV happens every week. Did you know that? Big Bang Theory, Parks and Recreation, and Community all showed new episodes. Weird.
“Uugh. Gross. Women on this show. Look at them with their confidence and personality quirks.”
Who Run The World? (Brittany!)
Jess’s Team Pick: Featuring Tori, Zack’s edgy, leather jacket wearing, totally gay girlfriend!
This week 2 Broke Girls makes you think about tequila and orgasms.
You wouldn’t know it from its marketing campaign or the pilot episode, but The Playboy Club is really a show for women. Just as the lesbian storyline was heating up, however, it’s been cancelled.
“Make a lot of queer ladies happy without even taking off your pants!”
It’s the final countdown! Steve Holt!
Whatever you’re feeling right now, just release it. Out into the universe. RELEASE!
“Are we playing a game where everyone says something stupid?” – We discuss Community, Parks & Recreation, and The Office.
Brittani and Liz have a lot of television to discuss with you today.
When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet all the way from Quinn’s first cigarette to this storyline’s last dying day
“2 Broke Girls is secretly an HBO comedy that’s trapped on CBS.”
The closer this show gets to Girl-on-Girl Culture, the better it will be. It hasn’t quite gotten there yet.