105 Trans Women On American TV: A History and Analysis
Autostraddle walks you through the entire history of trans female characters on American television from 1965-2015.
Autostraddle walks you through the entire history of trans female characters on American television from 1965-2015.
“Jessica Williams would be the type of friend that would tell me to my face that my shirt is open and everyone can see my bra as plainly and swiftly as telling someone her drink order.”
The dead lesbian TV characters trope is even worse than you think.
“Expound the value of systematic deception, use high-sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises [or roses] to the masses even though they cannot be kept.”
46. Lesbian kisses another lesbian, is happy, stays alive.
I’s time to celebrate The Original Fandom and the glorious Monica/Scully fan fiction it brought into our lives.
“We wrote more obituaries for murdered trans women in 2015 than TV recaps for any single show we cover.”
Five Clexa stories to keep you warm on cold nights, some answers to some TV questions, and a fandom news roundup.
We’ve finally arrived at a place where we have enough queer characters on TV to fight about them. What a time to be alive!
“Being one of the cool kids is a privilege I never had growing up, especially in school. I was one of the outcasts because I was different. So on Transparent, it’s like the tables have turned.”
The creator of Clarissa Explains It All has published some fan fiction about her grown-up life. Plus: An essay on what fandom can mean to women in their 30s, some witchy story recommendations, answers to your TV questions, and a fic news round up!
We’ve come so far since same-sex kisses on television only happened once in a show’s entire run, rarely involved lesbian or bisexual characters and generally were obscured by somebody’s hair!
This fandom round-up also includes Steven Universe stories, and interview with a fandom influencer, a book recommendation, answers to some TV questions you asked and more!
Welcome to the all-new Fan Fiction Friday, now with even more features and fandom celebrations!
“I truly believe in story, I think the stories we see and the ones we choose to engage with are one of life’s most vital elements, it’s right up there with food and shelter. This has always been true.”
Orange Is the New Black, The Fosters, Sense8, Pretty Little Liars, Glee, and more!
In honor of our new Witch Hunt column, let’s talk about Hogwarts’ favorite gal pals.
Willow and Tara in love (and alive) forever!
Renee Montoya and Kate Kane, Peggy Carter and Angie Martinelli, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy!
Santana and Btittany join the circus! Paige and Emily traverse the Wild West! Carmilla and Laura are princesses!