Glee 314 Recap: On My Way To Driving This Recap Into a Brick Wall
This week on Glee, a bunch of characters do things their characters would never do and the writers try to make us care by almost killing everybody. Awesome!
This week on Glee, a bunch of characters do things their characters would never do and the writers try to make us care by almost killing everybody. Awesome!
In which Emily calls Maya at least 5,000 times and Spencer gets sloshed.
Rachel’s Team Pick: When Omar has something to say, you had better listen.
Kate Moenning will be sleeping with other women on your TV set in a role perhaps best described as “Kalinda + Shane = Lena”
This week on Glee, Brittany and Santana did some mouth-to-mouth.
It’s okay to watch this episode just to get a glimpse of Emily’s back.
This week Puerto Ricans, Jews and black people all got in on the offensive action. It was like stereotype bingo. I think the plot was about Earl having a heart attack though.
Glee, how long ’til your soul gets it right? Can any human being ever reach that kind of light?
This week’s episode of Pretty Little Liars featured bright neons on Aria and metallic lace on Mona plus the big reveal on who sent out that sexy picture of Kate.
Ellen talks about Prop 8, gay marriage and the 40,000 alleged Moms who thought JCPenney shouldn’t be associating its fine brand with Ellen’s lesbianism.
Max’s efforts to keep this show relevant to your interests are once again thwarted when Caroline admits to kissing a girl and not liking it which just seems silly and also impossible.
Just when you’d totally forgotten that “The Real L Word” exists at all, here’s a teaser for our parody, because everybody loves a good tease…
Brittany and Satana are gonna make out on Valentine’s Day, which gives me permission to like this episode.
Get the low-down on Emily’s only leather jacket and Maya’s adorable datewear.
This week on Pretty Little Liars, a lesbian couple made out on an actual bed!
“So I started hanging out with Rayanne Graff. Just for fun. Just cause it seemed like if I didn’t, I would die or something. Things were getting to me. Just how people are.”
Toby fell off a wall and Emily wore a military style vest. All in all a pretty good episode.
Who’s in the mood for a show about girls working in World War II bomb-making factories and sometimes making eyes at each other? YOU ARE.
“Often left to our own devices, we would create our own versions of the shows we saw on television. Somehow, none of us ever broke anything.”
We won’t find out who A is, but everything about Lucas will be tied up in a neat little bow.