VIDEO: Unicorn Plan-It Season Two Is Coming, Get On It!
Everybody’s favorite lesbian webseries, “Unicorn Plan-It,” is gearing up for a very special Season Two!
Everybody’s favorite lesbian webseries, “Unicorn Plan-It,” is gearing up for a very special Season Two!
Baby baby baby.
In which just about everything happens.
“As soon as a woman steps out of the norm of what she’s supposed to be all of the sudden she’s a butch.. she’s a bitch…”
Will Vivian and Aster live happily ever after?
Number one feelings and favorite things about Fred Rogers on this snappy new day!
Intern Grace’s Team Pick: At last, a cartoon about Wonder Girl and Batgirl and Supergirl and the invisible jet and burritos!
In this week’s episode, a certain someone searches for love at the Bank.
In which Spencer makes some confusing sock choices, creepy dolls are revealed to be creepy and I give my final predictions for the season finale.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try try (x 10) again.
Did you know that a young Troian Bellisario starred in a lesbian short about teenaged girlfriends? Me neither! Anyhow, you can watch it right now if you want to.
As an unsuspecting proto-queer I loved the X-Files something fierce. I watched it loyally through nine seasons of sci-fi glory, and I’ve been branded ever since.
Features cute Australian girls with cute Australian accents.
Emily spent half of this episode in a totally ripped up sweater. Need I say more?
“Skins” will end next year forever, says Channel 4, because everything I touch turns to shit.
We can give the world this gift together, y’know.
Everyone on Pretty Little Liars has issues with their dads. Too bad no one channeled that anger in to a halfway decent outfit.
GLAAD wants you to tell Growing Pains’ Kirk Cameron that he’s not your teen idol anymore after his super gross anti-gay comments on CNN.
“The Peculiar Kind says something a lot of us already know but few of us ever really talk about: the fact that activism can look like anything, that we feel for our work and fight for our causes, but we also find comfort in each other.”