Pretty Little Liars Recap 307: All the Bitches Be Crazy
In which it is revealed that moms have sex lives and there is clearly something in the Rosewood water.
In which it is revealed that moms have sex lives and there is clearly something in the Rosewood water.
Don’t tell me this wasn’t the highlight of your week.
This week on The Real L Word, I took a long nap, Kiyomi drank too much, Whitney popped the question and Amanda inhaled toxic paint fumes.
Is there anything I love better than teen marketed award shows?
In this episode of Pretty Little Liars, everyone loses it and bolts out of the room dramatically. Also Emily wears the hottest blue dress.
“Girl/Girl Scene” brings you Season 2 of the girl-on-girl scene in Lexington, Kentucky.
Criticism aimed at “The Newsroom” for not respecting its female characters might be missing the larger picture.
Who got snubbed? Who got rubbed? Rubbed is what they should call it when you got rightfully nominated.
In which Ash tells you everything you missed before the Firefly reunion at San Diego Comic Con.
Season 3 of The Real L Word just premiered, so we’re being avant garde and are finally releasing the SEASON TWO PARODY VIDEO OH MY GOD.
“Glee” kids disperse across the continental US and “True Blood” promises sex scenes that will fulfill all the tastes. All of them!
This season on The Real L Word, everyone is happy and everything hurts!
Emily wears a tie and Paige gets wipeout wasted. It’s all just spectacular.
Just in case you weren’t already planning on it.
How “True Blood” blew its chance to respectfully write a queer woman of color, and how maybe just maybe they are about to make up for it.
Estie is the new Sah-Dah.
The Liars finally start confronting people and asking the hard questions. More importantly, Maya’s cousin shows up and wants to get all up in Emily’s pants. We’re upset about this.
News on Season Four of Glee, new photos of Emily and Paige in menswear on PLL, and out lesbian actress Haviland Stillwell keeps popping up in “Single Ladies.”
Let’s go “behind the scenes” of The Real L Word in a new trailer video! Also, some related reading.
Jenna is driving and Melissa is faking babies. Don’t worry though, Emily’s hair is still blowing softly in the wind.