VIDEO: Unicorn Plan-It Episode 202 “Awkward/Awesome”
Get ready to get horny and awkward.
Get ready to get horny and awkward.
As you know, Julie Goldman is hilarious and DTLA is awesome and outtakes are always funny so what we have here is a giant cornucopia of video delight.
It’s getting even scarier than usual this week in Rosewood even though I can’t seem to accurately identify anyone’s costumes. Don’t worry though, Paige wears a tuxedo the whole time.
The stars, writers and producers of your favorite teenage love story are heading to London for a little meet and teach action in November.
Vanessa’s Team Pick: If I had to choose between Maddow and Ellen I would probably die so it’s a good thing I don’t have to!
In which the term “reverse toaster” is coined.
In which Brittana faces the reality of a long distance relationship and we all cry.
Unicorn Plan-It grows up and gets big: it’s Season Two and a whole new ballgame.
Only 48 hours until the premiere of Season 2!
This week on Glee, everybody sang especially loud and Carrie Bradshaw did Lea Michele’s hair!
Amir Levi and Sherri Sutton sat down with us to talk characters, favorite moments, and what to expect in the new season!
This week on Glee, Brittany had a mental breakdown and ate a lot of Cheese Puffs. Sponsored by Crayola.
It’s the Breaking Bad Downton Abbey Game Of Thrones Mad Men Modern Family Awards!
That title may be awful, but these new shows aren’t!
All the beautiful and new faces you might be seeing on your TV in the next month. Some of them are even gay! But none of them are lady gay.
In which new characters are introduced, Santana has to be photoshopped in and Kate Hudson wears nothing but lingerie for 44 minutes.
This week on “The Real L Word,” everybody got married to dolphins!
It’s the mid-season finale of Pretty Little Liars! Emily kicks some ass, the betrAyer is revealed and I say “I told you so.” Well sort of.
As it turns out, watching strong women kick ass is good for society and your mental health.