The Walking Dead Brings Another Queer Chick Named Tara To TV, We Rejoice
Let’s all hope and pray that this Tara has better luck than her predecessors.
Let’s all hope and pray that this Tara has better luck than her predecessors.
I hope next week’s episode involves a girl on a bike, DeAnne Smith. Maybe you could pull some strings?
I hope you like dad jokes, because this recap is chock full of them.
Welcome to the sixth episode of American Horror Story, where I come face to face with my greatest fear: bad New Orleans accents!
This week on Glee, enthusiastic children danced and sang and broke walls as William Schuster toed the blurred line between “the worst” and THE WORST.
It’s not just about the fact that she falls in love with another girl, but what Utena Tenjou does for those of us who never played by society’s gender rules.
“But then again, my favorite princess was Belle, whose Stockholm Syndrome didn’t register as an issue to me, so long story short: Disney princesses fucked with all of our childhood concepts of healthy relationships.”
“Wait, everyone just ignore the bird.”
This week on Glee, everybody took turns dressing up like idiots and my gay boyfriend Adam Lambert showed up to sing a tune or two!
“Just when all hope seems lost, Zoe beheads the zombie while wielding a motherfucking chainsaw! Look who just became an interesting character!”
New episode of Tiny Pineapple went up yesterday, but I was too busy to tell you about it then. I make up for that here, now. Today.
Let’s share our sadness over “The People’s Couch” ending its run together.
“I would love to know how much money this show spends on snakes, drummers, and chalk.”
“Take a break from writing that Betty/Kate fanfiction and rejoice, for the powers-that-be have heard our pleas and have made good on their promises because WE ARE BACK, WE ARE IN BUSINESS, AIN’T NOBODY FUCKIN WITH MY CLIQUE BECAUSE WE HAVE A MOVIE AND THAT MOVIE IS OFFICIAL.”
“We set out to make a show wherein the show opening and the credits were much longer than the show itself, and I think we succeeded here.”
“But then Mulan came charging out of the closet, and one million homos stood up and said I KNEW IT, I FUCKING KNEW IT, MOTHERFUCKING HONOR TO US ALL.”
Ellen DeGeneres and Liz Feldman are creating a sitcom about two blonde lesbians who are funny and non-threatening! JK, it’s not gonna be about them. It’s gonna be about a pregnant lesbian, obvs!
It’s Halloween in Rosewood! Actually it isn’t, but it’s Halloween here and the Liars are in costumes with quite a lot of cleavage!
Welcome to the third episode of American Horror Story, the show for all your minotaur sexin’ needs!
Here’s a sneak peak at Season Two of Julie & Brandy’s HILARIOUS program from Tello, “Gay Street Therapy.” I edited it, FYI.