Couples Therapy 401: A Veritable Goldmine of Beautiful Garbage
A show about “celebrities” with “relationship problems” being solved by a “professional” team of therapists. Quotation marks intentional.
A show about “celebrities” with “relationship problems” being solved by a “professional” team of therapists. Quotation marks intentional.
Autostraddle’s television writers on their favorite lezalicious, bisexual, queer and trans* ladies on the 2013 teevee!
My fantasy wish (witch?) list of actresses for season four of American Horror Story, along with the characters they could play.
Because this is the way that we live…again.
“For some reason this movie really wants us to know that sometimes Britney and Jamie Lynn have wrestling matches and Jamie Lynn always wins. Picture that for a minute. Now move on.”
“I represented my community and I think there are a lot of other people in the house that kind of did them and we just did us and I think that’s what makes the show a really good, almost – if I can say this – positive Real World. I think it’s awesome because we’re us and we lived and we cried and we fucked.”
What do you do when your harddrive’s overcome with cheap Disney porn? You reboot that shit! And in the meantime, let’s throw every emotion possible at our characters and audience. Emotions you didn’t know you still had in your little gay body!
“Okay, I had a fangirl moment once George Takei appeared on screen.”
Is this show ridiculous? Of course! Am I at all interested in watching TV shows that DON’T feature a talking severed head of Kathy Bates? NOPE NOPE NOPASAURUS REX!
To help us through this difficult time, we turn to the time-honored genre as brought to us by such venerated texts as Seventeen and CosmoGirl: the quiz that promises to deliver your true “type.”
On the latest episode of Two and a Half Men, Jon Cryer’s character starts dating a trans woman. Despite what you may have heard, their interactions are pretty much as disrespectful and tasteless as you would have expected from a show like this.
There is a scene in this episode involving Snow and Charming taking on a Medusa that looks like she’s straight out of a Sega Genesis game, and it is ridiculous. I can’t even describe to you the completely ludicrous nature of this scene, I really can’t.
“The Talosians realize that Pike isn’t sold, and try to seduce him with a bizarre harem illusion with Vina as a green exotic dancer. Dayum, Pike. You’ve got some weird fantasies.”
“Apparently the witches’ journey to New Orleans was just like the Oregon Trail, only with less fiber and more smelly vaginas! This fucking show, you guys. This. Fucking. Show.”
What drug were the Glee writers on while designing this year’s Christmas special? That question and more will not be answered in this week’s recap!
At this point, we’ll be lucky if we make it out of the season without a reveal that Pongo is the father of Rapunzel who is married to Smee who is secretly the child of Flounder who is actually the son of one of the scary trees from Snow White.
This week on Glee, everybody turned in to a muppet and Santana and Dani didn’t make out!
For the second week in a row, The Walking Dead has delivered us some queer lady goodness. Let’s relive those moments now.
Welcome to the seventh episode of American Horror Story, featuring an award-winning musical score by Hans Zimmer. I’m sorry, that’s not Hans Zimmer; it’s two goblins humping on a Casio keyboard. My mistake.
This week on Glee, everybody sang Billy Joel songs and everything hurt!