Lena Headey Plays Queer in “Beacon 23” — But at What Cost?
I could spend the rest of my life watching Lena Headey play queer. But, at the end of the day, I’m not sure we can add this one to the “win” column.
I could spend the rest of my life watching Lena Headey play queer. But, at the end of the day, I’m not sure we can add this one to the “win” column.
Plus, a Thanksgiving flashback stuffed with queer family drama on this week’s Black Cake.
Karina might be a little… evil? But she’s also really hot. So you can see why Aleesha might be torn.
1. Chrishell and G kissing, followed by G screaming, “THIS IS MY WIFE!”
“I want to amend my answer and say I prefer the kiss itself if it’s open mouth and the almost kiss if it’s just going to be two chaste actors smashing faces.”
It’s no longer about stunting for the camera. It’s about putting in the work to make sure this rap shit turns into something real.
Which, as we know, is the new cocaine.
A trans girl lesbian in an Edith Wharton adaptation is like something out of my wildest dreams. Too bad this show is such a mediocre nightmare.
As Black women, isn’t that what we want to be afforded? A chance to be messy and vulnerable instead of tidy and unbreakable?
There’s something so intimate and terrifying about mouth horror.
Plus updates on Doom Patrol and All Rise!
Doesn’t “Jordana Brewster plays a lesbian drug lord who immediately turns the all women around her weak” sound like a perfect sentence, rolled off the tongue?
We open on Laura, trying to sleep after her long day of Doing Journalism™ and uncovering her girlfriend’s federal crime.
We’ve got Lena Hedley topping women in space, Josie Totah playing queer in a delightful period piece, the “Black Cake” adaptation, the lesbian pregnancy thriller on Lifetime, new seasons of Selling Sunset and Rap Sh!t, and more!
Woven throughout the series are thoughts on care and caretaking and who does that care and caretaking as well as domestic work.
The one thing that kept me hooked was the rivalry between nonbinary contestant Tabitha Sloane — the one openly queer contestant on the show — and Lellies Santiago.
Plus, updates on Doom Patrol and All Rise.
We get our second kiss between Bradley and Laura of the season! Huge!
“I want to remind anyone who is reading this that it is possible to survive. There is a richness in our history that we can call upon to learn how to survive.”
The new Canadian queer TV series “I Hate People People Hate Me” looks so weird and fun, Jenna Lyons has the best nipples, meet the first non-binary NBA referee, some more Sophia Bush gossip and other pop culture stories to start your week!