Democratic Debate Night Two: Biden’s Loss Is Kamala Harris’s Gain
Biden floundered, and Harris was more than ready to make her move. Who even is Eric Swalwell?
Biden floundered, and Harris was more than ready to make her move. Who even is Eric Swalwell?
Warren’s standout performance, Castro’s defining moments, an emphasis on LGBT issues and the first-ever primary debate with more than one woman candidate.
Queens, which has more residents than 17 U.S. states and is one of the most diverse population centers in the country, was inspired by Cabán’s vision of becoming a hub of restorative justice.
Queer and trans Black women and femmes have the blueprint to defeat Georgia’s abortion ban. Alyssa Milano… does not.
How to use music to make your activist action 100% better! Plus some tips you maybe definitely haven’t thought of!
Once the rain finally stopped, Equal Love Taiwan snapped a photo of the clouds breaking open to reveal a literal rainbow. Gay couples will be able to begin getting married on May 24th!
What’s the difference between ally and accomplice? How can you use these terms to think about how you’re in solidarity with others?
Today the Supreme Court announced it will be deciding on an interpretation of federal law Title VII, and specifically whether the law should be understood as supporting workplace protections for LGBT employees on the basis of their sexual orientation or trans status.
“Lyra was a ball of energy, passion and wit. To know her even a little was an inspiration.”
A letter to the editor can be an effective tactic to get the word out about an issue, show support for a bill, speak up about something in your community, or to get free publicity for your activist work!
Tonight out lesbian Lori Lightfoot was elected as Mayor of Chicago, making her the first black woman and first openly LGBTQ+ person to hold the position. Still, local activists worry she may not lead a new progressive vision for the city.
The Department of Defense has been claiming this is not actually a ban on transgender service members. But in effect, the Mattis Policy is “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell II: This Time As Farce.”
Donna Heinel, an out lesbian and a prominent member of the LGBT Collegiate athletics community, has been indicted after receiving $1.3 million in bribes from wealthy families to admit their under-qualified children to USC.
We have to commit to always learning and growing and doing more all the time to make our spaces better and better.
This piece was co-written by Natalie, Reneice, Alexis, and Carmen. We’re four of the black members of The Speakeasy, Autostraddle’s collective for its writers of color.
Birthdays are the perfect time to ask people to take action. Why? People like you! They want to celebrate you! And on your birthday, they feel slightly more-obligated-than-usual to do what you ask of them!
“I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” – Audre Lorde
An attack on a black gay celebrity like Jussie Smollet is also a message sent to his black and gay fans. So today, for all our queer fam out there, but especially for my black queer family, feel the love and strength of our community. Our kinship is a gift. Please, fortify yourself in that gift today.
In a post “love-wins” America, we’ve circled back to the underlying legal thinking of the 1950s. In the late 2010s and especially under Trump, gender and gender conformity are back under the legal microscope in a move that targets the gender nonconformity fundamental to aspects of gay identity for many, and also increasingly and dangerously, trans people.
The team from Lora DiCarlo believes gender bias played a significant role in losing an award for one of their products, a sentiment echoed by other woman-run sex-tech companies. Meanwhile, the company behind the trade show insists the award was a mistake in the first place.