Rise and Grind: Become a Mortar and Pestle Snob With These 25 Recipes
Food processors are for 21st-century chumps. Go old-school and feel so much better than your technology-dependent friends.
Food processors are for 21st-century chumps. Go old-school and feel so much better than your technology-dependent friends.
The bowl: an unassuming mix of a protein, veggie and grain, perhaps with some kind of sauce, quick to cook and eaten all in the same dish. (Not a smoothie bowl. Those are bullshit, sorry.)
It’s supposed to be back-to-school time, but it’s still warm! So let’s have a daiquiri while we fret over global climate change.
You still have a little time left to eat fresh summer corn — don’t let it go to waste!
I’m here to defend eggplant’s honor and prove it can be damn delicious when done right.
I’m from Idaho and in Idaho we learn that you can survive on just potatoes and butter? All the nutrients you need are in potatoes except for a couple, which are all in butter. Is that true?
Every time they offer me a potato chip or french fry, it’s like a well-meaning relative insisting that “you just haven’t met the right guy yet.” Sorry, Aunt Helen, but it’s not a matter of the right guy or the right potato.
Something else for you to think about: “cupcakes” is a slang term for “boobs.”
A person can only eat an avocado-kale-egg scramble so many days in a row, you know?
The De Rigueur makes use of my current favorite cocktail sweetener: honey syrup.
“I honestly just Gryffindored my way through a lot of this process, using my supreme confidence in my skills as my guide.”
These roast chicken recipes will cure all ills and fill you up! What more could you want?
Here’s to becoming 26 in the midst of my infamous #SummerOfSelfSabotage and feeling very great about it.
What do donor kebab, shawarma and tacos al pastor all have in common?
For the overachiever in you.
Nothing says summer like strawberries.
Froozen = frozen + boozy. Get in here for some froozen popsicle magic!
LaCroixtails. Did you ever think your water could do so much?! I didn’t, but frankly, I’m so glad to live in a world where it can.
You could call these mushrooms anything really but the fact that you’ve introduced them as “tender” means she must respect them, and you.
Y’all, I hate being bad at things. And I truly truly thought my first batch of Kouign Amann would be inedible. But it wasn’t!