Rhymes With Witches: Partners in Crime, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
When I think of these two, I envision them as the cutest queer couple that is into feminism and sharing an eco-friendly Subaru.
When I think of these two, I envision them as the cutest queer couple that is into feminism and sharing an eco-friendly Subaru.
This week on “Faking It,” everybody protested a thing and I protested Karma’s overall existence.
“For the duration of the plot so far, Delphine’s bisexuality is the premise for the moral tension that she causes, and a key to the danger that she poses to Cosima.”
Check out your favorite OITNB cast members talk about the complexity of their characters, the fun they had on set, and the relationships they fostered with the other actors.
While Sarah seems extremely comfortable roughing it up and peeing in the woods, Felix equates camping with being homeless in the country. Obviously he’s never been to A-Camp.
Orange is the New Black will be back for a third season!
This week on “Faking It,” the lesbians got crowned homecoming queens and everybody had sexual dreams about each other!
Felix says they need an idea to trap Donnie, and Alison tells him what every college student already knows: drinking leads to ideas.
This week on Glee, “Funny Girl” opened and Santana came back!
Check out a sneak peek of the darker second season of “Orange is the New Black” now!
In the first episode of “Faking It,” two girls are mistaken for a lesbian couple and they sort of just run with it.
“Dr. Leekie wants Cosima working for them, and Delphine assures him she’s on it. He tells her to be careful playing for the other team, which is a pretty solid gay/double agent joke.”
Turns out those irritating trailers were just Trojan Horses delivering a cute show with a queer female lead to all of us here on The Isle of Lesbos.
“Fun as it was to mercilessly tear this show apart, the buck stops here.”
This week on Glee, Blaine ate a lot of cronuts and everybody got tested for STDs!
This is the largest portion of Season Two we’ve ever been served, and it is fracking DELICIOUS.
I watched the dub premiere of Attack on Titan at Anime Boston. Here’s why I think everyone who is interested in awesome female characters and good queer representation should give this brutal action anime a chance.
Vanity Fair talks to Catherine Cleary Wolters, who says she was “not the older sexy, glamorous lesbian who snatched [Piper] from her pristine Smith College cradle.”
“From the preview, we just know that Haddie’s coming home for a visit, she brought Lauren with her, there’s something that she’s not ready to tell her family, and she and Lauren like to kiss.”
The good news is that Mercedes is back, the bad news is that Kurt got gay-bashed.