Orphan Black Episode 210 Recap : “By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried”
The Prodigal Daughter of White Trojan Horsery has returned to Litchfield, minus her bespectacled toxic popsicle and plus a newer harder attitude. What adventures await our little vanilla wafer? Time can only tell, inmating ritualists.
“20. Learn to roll your own cigarettes. Then rip them up and pour bleach all over them. Smoking is bad for you.”
“But just when you think you know where it’s going, the story turns. What emerges is a series feels less like a ‘transgender comedy’ and more like a distinctive TV show that just has a bunch of trans casting. And while aspects of transition are covered, they occupy a more background role. For instance, Sam and Sü discussing living plans over black market electrolysis, or a shot of mail-order hormones.”
Here’s another episode in which the Liars find themselves lying.
How do you solve a problem like Helena? Probably not with marijuana.
The Fosters is back! You’re excited. Let’s talk about it.
There is no tradition more time-honored than playing the role of a random New Yorker who discovers a corpse in Central Park on an episode of Law and Order.
Then this show throws out the most shocking twist of all: Donnie is actually a competent human being! Oh no you guys… do I actually like Donnie now? Is this real life?
Litchfield, O Litchfield! How hast thee fared? Didst thou miss me? Much as I have learned over time to not only tolerate Piper but also genuinely enjoy what she brings to the show, a Piperless Litchfield is somehow the best Litchfield yet.
In which we learn that the last two seasons of Pretty Little Liars was actually nothing but dyke drama.
Would this be an appropriate time to mention that I’ve never watched the show?
They’re not gonna kill off Cosima, right? I swear to Jeebus, if they Chaiken Cosima I’m gonna be so pissed.
Welcome to the season finale of “Faking It,” in which a lot of things happen that I can’t really talk about, you’ll just have to read the recap.
I bring you Tabby Is The New Cat — a Petflix original series following Piper Catman’s foray into residential life. Try not to relate too hard, okay?
Lesbian rapper Siya joins the ranks of women featured on Oxygen network’s new show Sisterhood of Hip Hop.
“Faking It” forever! Or for ten more episodes, anyway!
We hate to tell you, Dorothy, but you ain’t in Kansas High Security Prison anymore, and Toto’s only looking out for Toto.
I tried to keep this pretty exclusively gay (though I did think about doing a “Larry,” which was just to get the saddest, plainest beer and drink it straight from the can while frowning).
Oh, is OINTB’s second season premiering? Let’s talk about that time when Autostraddle sent me and AS Fashion Editor Lizz to the GLAAD Media Awards in New York to do some red carpet interviews and we ended up cuddling with the cast of Orange is the New Black.