Boob(s On Your) Tube: Lesbian Halloween Hijinks, Top Chef’s Top Top and Telenova Stepmom Sex
Happy Halloween! Have a brand new lesbian character dressed as a dinosaur!
Happy Halloween! Have a brand new lesbian character dressed as a dinosaur!
A gender studies class, a shabbos dinner, and a whole lot of uncomfortable family dynamics!
When a boy steals your girl, sometimes you have no choice but to arrest him for fake murder.
This week on “Faking It,” Amy goes to a hot underground rave party and interacts romantically with another girl who likes girls!
In which neither Callie nor Arizona can ever respect boundaries and pickles become things that help save lives.
More lesbian sex than lesbian death on TV this week! It’s a 2014 record!
“My notes from this scene read ‘sarah and josh what is WRONG WITH YOU god if i had a dollar for every time i thought that.'”
Does Rosewood, Pennsylvania even have overhead lighting? Does anybody in this town sell pepper spray? Riese and Heather have feelings about this.
This week on “Faking It,” Amy sends Karma on a birthday scavenger hunt that somehow doesn’t lead her to The Planet.
Because there was no way to fit another Halloween into the senior year the Liars have been living for the last five years, we earned an actor retrospective!
I never had to think to myself, “where are the people that look like me?” because they were there, in abundance, everywhere I looked.
Welcome to our brand new Friday round-up of all the queer ladies on TV we haven’t already talked about this week. You’ll like it we promise.
In which there is an expedition to a mall, an argument under the cover of night, and cucumber water.
“I admit I was skeptical of the plot and was afraid it was going to rely on tired tropes but it turns out it was actually a cute show with a lot of heart. It even has queer women in it!”
Tomorrow MTV and Logo TV will air this heartbreaking, heartwarming, informational and inspirational documentary following the lives of seven young trans people and trans experiences across America.
This week on “Faking It,” Laverne Cox has to choose between Karma, Shane, Lauren and Oliver for who will be queen of the castle. Also, Amy really goes the extra mile.
In “The Devil Wears Land’s End,” Mindy accidentally goes on a date with a lesbian and then her butch girlfriend shows up AND IT’S JULIE GOLDMAN.
Due to the fact that Arizona and Callie are stuck with Another Baby as their storyline, liberties were taken to spice up this week’s recap. You’re welcome, America.
In which a number of plans go awry.
I’m curing an allergy attack with hot toddies, let’s recap this sucker!