50 People Who Are Definitely A on Pretty Little Liars
Tonight’s Pretty Little Liars season finale promises a huge reveal about Big A, but we already know who it is.
Tonight’s Pretty Little Liars season finale promises a huge reveal about Big A, but we already know who it is.
We’re back with our weekly column about all the queer stuff that’s happening on television that we don’t have time to recap!
Psst, Callie and Arizona like each other, pass it on.
“I struggled with my sexuality for a long time and I think it would have been so much easier if I’d seen someone like me on TV or in a movies or in books. Femslash fan fiction gave me that; the stories I read showed I wasn’t alone because other people had to think like me if they’re writing about this stuff.”
Everybody’s going to jail!
Only one more week before the Big A reveal!
Glee did about 100 things wrong but it also did some things very, very, very right.
Liz Feldman is one of the funniest women in Hollywood, so I hope NBC loosens the reins and lets her get a little more real.
“I hate to break it to those people, but lesbians tend to dress like men, act like men — and look like men.”
Ben stops misgendering his trans sister and Callie finally grins!
This week, Buffy celebrated its 18th birthday, so we’re rejoicing with some sexy Faith/Buffy and Willow/Tara stories.
In honor of the I BROKE UP LIKE THIS ‘zine, we present 17 times queer female couples on television broke each other’s hearts and also our own.
Up until now, the assumption had been that Garnet was a single Gem like Pearl and Amethyst. However, the truth is much more romantic.
“Just one week after perhaps the most powerful episode in the show’s history, Shonda Rhime’s force-of-nature hit show Scandal has once again destroyed our hearts. This week’s story touched the souls of audiences everywhere with two tales of love trying to rise above what seem like impossible situations.”
Last night on a very special episode of Broad City, Ilana made out with a girl and even though it wasn’t Abbi, it was still pretty cool.
Lena and Stef keep secrets from each other, and it is not good. Worse, though, is Jude and/or Connor gets shot!
Jane Lynch gets her sendoff and it is cuckoo bananapants.
Emily ups her Veronica Mars game and Hanna goes to jail.
We don’t know much, but we know we love them.