Boob(s On Your) Tube: “Mad Men” Almost Goes There With Peggy Olson
Lucy Lawless gets gay on Salem, Maggie names Liza’s vagina on Younger, The Bold and the Beautiful keeps borking up its trans storyline.
Lucy Lawless gets gay on Salem, Maggie names Liza’s vagina on Younger, The Bold and the Beautiful keeps borking up its trans storyline.
Callie went on an off-screen date with that dude cop and hated him. We did all that processing for nothing!
Watch Clexa fall in love on road trips across the United States and in Quidditch matches at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
“It’s not just sex. It’s love. It’s two people connecting … with four other people … and aliens.”
Discovery Life will premiere a new documentary series on April 11th about a circle of trans women friends, but the producers dip into cliche a little too much.
Everything is awesome! This could be a real thing if 10,000 people vote for it!
Callie agrees to go on a date with a police officer whose life she saved, kind of.
The pAtriArchy is A, just as we suspected.
Which of these shows featuring trans women are you most excited for?
One Big Happy is getting funnier and funnier, Nyssa Al Ghul is back to kicking ass on Arrow, and Sam and Laura finally go on their honeymoon on Newlyweds: The First Year.
“Ruth lifts her head, smiles demure and sweet, her lips swollen with kissing. ‘Can’t miss a chance to minister to a heathen like you, Idgie.'”
“I laughed a LOT, and it didn’t make me feel weird or mean-spirited afterwards.”
In which we discuss The 100, its badass bisexual protagonist Clarke, and the heartbreakingest gay commander this side of outer space.
The Black Sails finale had two queer characters winning at being pirates, The Good Wife is blowing it with Kalinda, and Tara survived another season of The Walking Dead!
Derek comes back and is worse than a leech trapped in your face.
You know her face, but you’ve got no clue what her name is — 15 of the actresses who aren’t on magazine covers but have shown up in small parts on so many queer-adjacent shows and movies lately that you’re really THIS CLOSE to looking them up on imdb.
And a profile with series creator Ellen Simpson, who writes all kinds of fan fiction too!
Jude and Connor come out, and Monty finally stops keeping her lips to herself.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and now it’s over.
“17. Oh god, is anyone on this show a medical doctor? ANYONE?”