What Do We Do Now: An Open Thread on May 29, 2020
There is so much to feel. There is so much to be done. What are you doing, today, tomorrow, the next day, and the next?
There is so much to feel. There is so much to be done. What are you doing, today, tomorrow, the next day, and the next?
“When life gives you Leonards, make Leonard-ade.”
You said you missed the Friday Open Threads, so we’re bringing them back!
“Wearing pants? In this economy?”
“Can’t wait to see who else’s subconscious is ALSO going through a Rolodex of their exes!”
We’re entering month 567 of a global pandemic, and you may be having some weird sex dreams! Here at autostraddle dot com, we’d love to hear about them in a respectful manner, for journalism.
“Magic Wand as mic is always SO GOOD.”
“Could you not have shipped out some PPE before we read this article? I just spit out my tea laughing, and probably infected the tomato plants.”
I hope you sit for a moment and know that you gifted us — and so many other people — with a serious dose of hope. You are making sustainable, community-supported independent queer media possible.
Xin chào! My name is Xoai Pham. I’m the new Trans Subject Editor at Autostraddle.
Because we all need some queer joy in our lives, we’re going to throw you a (pay-what-you-want) variety show if we meet this goal! Think comedy, think music! Think of all of us pretending we’re bumping into each other in front of a stage and spilling drinks and showing off haircuts maybe done by a professional (or a friend who was able to come over) and laughing (well, you can still laugh from where you are) all together. That’s what it will be like in spirit. I want this so much for us! If everyone who clicked away the pop-up today gave $9.35, we’d ZOOM past our stretch goal!
“Proof that mullets are the gayest thing: I had one in sixth grade!”
Instead of preparing for doom, I can’t help myself from planning for the utmost beauty and enjoyment, for pleasure and laughter, for sharing stories and connections, regardless of whatever else is happening. Here are the near-future plans I’m inviting you to invest in with me on Autostraddle, during this final stretch of our fundraiser!
“Time to start the ‘I Got Jenny’ support group!”
You ALL came together to get us to $100,000 and we believe you can get us to $50,000 more. 79% of the donations that made $100,000 possible were $50 or less! We mean it when we say that this is an effort of everyone coming together and donating what they can to make a huge difference. Together, you and we are powerful. We can make change happen. Let’s never forget that.
Tell me.
Spin the Bottle does NOT fulfill social distancing guidelines but everything else is on the table; let’s get our Disney Princess sleeping bags out and get this STARTED.
The ears on that dog! The dog under those ears!
You’ve done so much for us, we want to do something for you, too — something fun and high-energy! So we’re bringing back last summer’s intensive and deeply fulfilling one-day fundraising flash sale!
The reason we’ve made it this far is because of you, and if we’re going to stick around — that will also be because of you.