Fan Fiction Friday: 8 Alex- and Piper-Free “Orange is the New Black” Fics to Ease Your Withdrawal Symptoms
Are you sad because you binged and now it’s over? Don’t worry; that’s what fan fiction is for!
Are you sad because you binged and now it’s over? Don’t worry; that’s what fan fiction is for!
Alison’s brother’s imaginary friend is A, duh.
An amazing roundtable with funny Hollywood females including Kate McKinnon, Rosie Perez talks to The Trevor Project about wanting to hump her junior high girlfriend all the time, Andreja Pejic’s groundbreaking new gig, what Bennett was thinking and more!
The Liars make it home from A’s dollhouse in one piece, kind of.
Daya’s STILL pregnant. We shouldn’t ever douche with Lysol or let the bed bugs out of our chia poons. Also, sex stuff happened. Bring enough snacks for the group and get in here!
Also, Younger ended a fantastic first season and USA released the first 15 minutes of Complications.
Lena makes the very bad decision not to tell Stef that she kissed Monty.
“Stahma Tarr has undergone one of the most remarkable patriarchy-smashing story arcs I’ve ever seen, just a straight up Squib-to-Slytherin transformation that actually all started when she fell in love with another woman.”
It’s live! Tell us all your feelings, and we will tell you ours!
Alas, the Liars escape from the dollhouse without having a lesbian orgy.
“Two sets of breasts in the first 50 seconds told me not to bother.”
It’s going to be a big summer, so we’ve made you a calendar to use as a queer lady TV-viewing guide.
In preparing for this, my first A-Camp, I’ve turned to movies and TV to give me inspiration and calm my nerves. Hopefully I made the right choices, but if not, at least I had some entertainment while I packed.
16 shows, 26 confirmed queer characters. Plus, a downloadble PDF calendar with premiere dates!
Season two is almost here. It’s time to ready your heart for the drama bombs.
“Emily might just realize that she’s now got a soul mate closer to her than she ever thought,” said Pretty Little Liars executive producer Oliver Goldstick because he wants to kill us.
Cosima scores with Canada’s favorite lesbian dating app, and Helena and Sarah break each other’s hearts.
Jane the Virgin, Arrow, and Grey’s Anatomy close out the TV season and ready us for the return of Orange Is the New Black.
I found myself crying halfway through the first episode — not because the show was touching my heart, but because I couldn’t believe how Carly was being talked about by her family.