Boob(s On Your) Tube: The Lesbians on “Hannibal” and “Defiance” Made It Out Alive!
Plus, Survivor’s Remorse returns, Audrey is still not dead on “Scream,” and we’re diving deep with Carmilla.
Plus, Survivor’s Remorse returns, Audrey is still not dead on “Scream,” and we’re diving deep with Carmilla.
Taylor and Nicki performed together, Nicki gets real about Miley, Kanye dissed award shows at an award show and Amber Rose unveiled a radically feminist new look at this year’s VMAs.
Orange Is the New Black, The Fosters, Sense8, Pretty Little Liars, Glee, and more!
Piper and Alex break up, Pennsatucky breaks down, and Ms. Rosa makes a cameo!
Rookie Blue gives us another gay, Scream gets ready to reveal its Final Girl, and it’s time to talk about Carmilla!
The plot of this film seems to be the struggle of three white male actors who feel like the world owes them a big break. We’d rather watch Jodie Sweetin learn to add and subtract.
The best part of the show is watching Kristen gush over food. Seriously, I will tune in just to hear her talk about food. Also, to gaze upon her hair.
Alana gets one step closer to getting murdered on Hannibal, Stef and Lena are finally okay on The Fosters, Caitlyn deals with the family fall out of her Vanity Fair interview on I Am Cait, and more queer TV you may have missed!
In honor of our new Witch Hunt column, let’s talk about Hogwarts’ favorite gal pals.
We learn who A is… but the transphobic trope reinforced by the summer finale is the show’s most disappointing reveal yet.
“Faking It” returns August 31st, and everybody is still lying, just about different stuff. (Also: SPOILER ALERT)
Brenna kisses her best friend on Chasing Life, Audrey gets interrogated on Scream, Gretchen continues to be a superhero on Complications, and I Am Cait really is great.
In which things start falling apart.
Pretty Little Prom is a Pretty Little Disaster.
Plus new trailers for Faking It and Survivor’s Remorse!
It’s Gal Pal Week on! Let’s kick it off by counting down television friendships we adore!
Willow and Tara in love (and alive) forever!
She knows who killed Jenny Schecter.
Aria asks Emily to prom and she says no!
Leanne’s Amish roots come to light as she hammers out the tenants of Normaism, a rabbi arrives to test Jewish Black Cindy and the others about their newfound Jewish faith, and Suzanne’s legion of admirers grows.