Faking It Episode 216 Recap: Let’s Be Lesbians… Again!
This week on “Faking It,” Amy and Karma’s plan to give up lying about stuff gets foiled when Amy’s Mom needs them to be a lesbian couple again for just a minute.
This week on “Faking It,” Amy and Karma’s plan to give up lying about stuff gets foiled when Amy’s Mom needs them to be a lesbian couple again for just a minute.
At one point in my notes I wrote “I’m really happy that they didn’t murder this trans girl,” only to watch her die in the hospital two scenes later. That’s how the whole episode went — any time I would get hopeful, they would let me down again.
We’re running out of time, ladies! Can’t you please just kiss and make up?
This week on “Faking It” everybody goes to detention together and is forced to tell each other the truth about stuff or else die of boredom!
If you’re counting, here are four more new lesbian and bisexual women on your TV. How long they’ll stick around is anyone’s guess!
TGIT premieres with six queer women!
Also, M-Chuck befriends a pregnant 12-year-old on Survivor’s Remorse, Bo and Lauren make out some more on Lost Girl, and Carmilla and Laura need to GET IT TOGETHER.
This week on Faking It, Lauren and Amy dress up like A and creep around the No-Tell Motel while their pals live it up in Los Angeles!
Openly gay writers/directors Lisa Cholodenko and Jane Anderson took home trophies. Jane Lynch snagged another win. And Transparent pulled down three Emmys, too!
Despite tepid reviews for most of this fall’s new shows, we’ve got plenty of new and returning lesbian and bisexual characters to be very excited about as well as quite a few lady-helmed productions.
Welcome to the all-new Fan Fiction Friday, now with even more features and fandom celebrations!
“If someone had been like, “You are going to write a thing and it’s going to be fully produced and you are gonna star in it and it’s gonna be really good,” I would’ve been like, nah.”
This week on “Faking It,” Reagan wants one thing, Amy wants another thing, Karma wants something else, Lauren wants a different thing but also a similar thing, and I want an iced tea. Unsweetened!
After eleventy hundred years of being pregnant, Daya finally has her baby.
Laura is terrorized by her own giraffe shirt on Carmilla, M-Chuck is really into Indigo Girls on Survivor’s Remorse, I Am Cait says goodbye, Lauren Lewis is a BAMF, and more queer TV news!
While we await new episodes of our favorite regular season shows, we thought it would be a good time to address the thing you really care about: Which lesbian/bisexual TV characters would be the best to U-Haul with?
This week on Faking It, everybody gets into costume play and makes bad choices.
Scream and Rookie Blue bid us adieu, Survior’s Remorse gets renewed, and hot damn that Hollstein kiss!
“I truly believe in story, I think the stories we see and the ones we choose to engage with are one of life’s most vital elements, it’s right up there with food and shelter. This has always been true.”
Season 2B of “Faking It” is finally here, and everybody is still lying to everybody else.