Boob(s On Your) Tube: Empire’s Dead Lesbians Bring The Death Toll to 152
Let’s hope Pippy and TMI didn’t drive off a cliff during Rosewood’s two-week hiatus.
Let’s hope Pippy and TMI didn’t drive off a cliff during Rosewood’s two-week hiatus.
“If anything, the lesbians should wish for a character like [her] to be killed off since she just preyed on a powerful lesbian in order to fulfill her heterosexual ambitions.”
This week on “Faking It,” Shane dyes his hair blue for a minute, there’s a new trans character, Amy wants Lauren to star in a documentary about being intersex, Felix comes back and I made you a really neat chart.
Queer TV is shaky this year, but there’s another Carmilla-adjacent webseries to bring you joy!
When it comes to their queer female characters, these shows are hitting it out of the park.
All the camp and Canadian-ness of Lost Girl, all the angst and antagonism of Jessica Jones.
We buried one lesbian TV character last night while two more got killed.
Supergirl’s feminism is definitely 101, but we all had to start somewhere.
This week on Faking It, everybody reads Amy’s diary and you’re probably going to end up in compost detention.
It’s the season three finale and Stef’s breast cancer didn’t kill her at all! Not even a little bit!
Plus Callie and Arizona have a conversation on Grey’s Anatomy, and someone who isn’t a lesbian gets killed on Younger.
The dead lesbian TV characters trope is even worse than you think.
This week on Faking It, Zita throws a “Surprise Bar Mitzvah” but nobody gets me a gift basket and Karma and Amy debate the pros and cons of squashing this thing and reuniting as “best friends” forever.
Mainstream media is covering Bury Your Gays for the first time ever. Plus, Evan Rachel Wood takes over Nylon for a day, Mary Louise-Parker and Rachel Griffiths will play wives on your teevee, Roxane Gay’s first novel is becoming a movie, and everyone loves Ellen Page’s Gaycation.
Another day, another stray arrow in the eyeball. Plus: Hannah has her first queer hook-up on Girls.
From “Oy Vey, You’re Gay” to “The Deadlier Sex” to “Holy Lesbo Batman!” and beyond!
Not enough Annalise and Eve this season on HTGAWM, but at least they’re not dead! Plus Grey’s Anatomy gives us a break from crying with PUPPIES.
In 1827, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce took world’s first photograph. On March 17th, 2016, Jojo Whilden released photographs taken for Netflix of “Orange Is The New Black” Season Four.
Welcome back to “Faking It,” a show in which Amy definitely doesn’t have feelings for Karma anymore at all, definitely not.
It has been 24 episodes since Emily had a real love interest. The longest any other Liar has gone without a love interest is three episodes.