Pre-Dinah Shore Weekend: Anticipation is the Purest Form of Pleasure
Dinah Shore’s website claims that it’s “the greatest women’s week on earth.” Riese is determined to investigate – without actually going.
Dinah Shore’s website claims that it’s “the greatest women’s week on earth.” Riese is determined to investigate – without actually going.
Japan okays same-sex marriage abroad, and Zurich okays their very own lesbian mayor; also, New York Magazine gets to spend 125 whole minutes with Lady Gaga!
The L Word’s Top 15 Sex Scenes of All Time 55 Reasons Why Recapping Episode 608 of The L Word is Driving Me Crazy There’s Something About Jenny: Why Killing Jenny is Killing All of Us 608 L Word Recap: Last Word 607 L Word Recap: Last Couple Standing 606 L Word Recap: Lactose Intolerant […]
DeAnne Smith, a New York native who lives in Montreal, is a superstar comedian who is currently amassing many awards and honors that you may not have heard of [it’s not a Nobel] but are nevertheless important and indicative of fame and stardom. She has appeared on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and in the “Just for Laughs” Comedy Festival.
This is really the only episode guide you need to find the Season Five recap you’re looking for. We could provide you with real episode summaries like everyone else. But what does “Jodi and Bette fail to see eye-to-eye” really mean? It means STIR-FRY SEX, obvs! Plot points Shmot points, we watch this show for […]
Clementine Ford confirms that she IS IN FACT GAY; Oprah’s school suspends nine students for lesbian behavior, and eHarmony launches a companion site for gay and lesbian singles.
DADT might still be around for a while, The Bilerico Project got hate crimed/hacked, and The L Word makes no sense. Maybe these issues will be solved with Nikki’s interrogation tape!
“THE MUSIC BEGINS! And THEN! Bam!! -Max feels the baby kick BAM! – it’s Henry’s back fucking Tina – the music rises and BAM-BAM – Kit’s jive talking BAM! The Nanny gives Angus a Blow Job BAM! Jenny with the paper dolls–“
The 2009 GLAAD Awards in New York City.
We’ve got a new facebook page and Shane, er, Kate Moennig is stalkable in Pittsburgh, PA. Check out the 40 sexiest frontwomen in rock.
Lindsay Lohan has a new movie, Bitch Magazine has a feature on GaybiGAYGAY, and Joe Solmonese has a bigger salary than you. Maybe.
When we here at Autostraddle HQ heard that Hesta Prynn (alias Julie Potash) was among the illustrious performers at SXSW 2009, we knew immediately that she’d be a perfect candidate for our first Beat on the Street interview.
Bloomberg urges NY to pass gay marriage bill, and 17% of therapists still “try to curb homosexual tendencies” in their patients. Lesbian movies!
BETTER! OFF! TED! Oh man, this show totally impressed me. Smart writing, hilarious premise, and Portia was amazing. Her character on this show is kind of a combination of her two prior regular television roles (Nell on Ally McBeal and Lindsay Bluth on Arrested Development). I highly recommend this show, I can’t wait to see more.
Marriages and civil unions in Vermont and Hawaii are being opposed by douchebags, and runaway LGBT teens in New York City may be left in the cold without funding. But the good news is that Rachel Maddow made us a drink.
Meet Robin! She’s a professional photographer who’s already done some amazing things, like shooting Lady Gaga and being in a Red Man video. But now she’s taking on something else – she wants to change the his-and-hers heteronormative obsession of the wedding industry. Want to help?
Meet Crystal! She’s from Australia, and so is Portia de Rossi. This probably explains why Crystal is so great at talking about music – here she tells us all about Empire of the Sun, Sarah Blasko, and Evermore.
Guys, meet Crystal! Obama appoints a lesbian as Chief Judge of US Court of Federal Claims, there is a new French movie with sexy/psycho lesbian sex, and we are confused about Meghan McCain.
Rachael Ray, Magic Tomato (it’s a food, not a band name), Girls Gone Wild, PJ Harvey, Rye Rye, Solange, BFF Little Boots, Perez Hilton dropping the C-word, the Kanye West Surprise, Yelle, and the drunken end of SXSW. There were alcoholic sno-cones!
Kate Moennig’s Three Rivers Pilot spoilers, plus updates on Jennifer Beals, Leisha Hailey