• Queer Dance Crew “Vogue Evolution” Does Beyonce FTW

    Vogue Evolution, the all-gay dance crew with a transgender female lead, wowed the judges for another week at ABDC. Blogger calls out Bill Clinton for DOMA & DADT. Plus Megan Fox makeout, Lesbian Vampire Killers, Lady Gaga spits out men, images from the Great National Kiss-In, Craigslist monday and more! Did you know that ostriches are bad at mating because they always fall in love with humans? Just like lesbians & straight girls!

  • Sweet Sweet Charlene of Logo’s “Gimme Sugar”: The Autostraddle Interview

    “You have to break the shell, be okay with who you are regardless of the cameras and know that there’s someone out there who’s gonna relate to you. There’s no character space so if you’re not yourself that shuts off the whole reason for reality TV. Especially when it’s something about lesbians — that’s for everyone, even for gay boys, we’re fighting for visibility.”

  • In “Gay Friendly” Philippines, Lesbians Still Forced to Keep it in the Closet

    The Philippines is widely regarded as Asia’s most gay-friendly country. So why are its lesbians forced to marry men, submerge desire and stay in the closet?