VOTE NOW! Bette Porter 2020? Dawn Denbo Slipped by Nancy Botwin in Round 2!
Dawn Denbo sneaks by again! Seven candidates remain!
Dawn Denbo sneaks by again! Seven candidates remain!
Eight candidates remain and you have one day to vote!
Is this just an excuse to keep saying “Govern Me, Mommi”? Let’s put Bette Porter 2020 to an actual vote!
“Start here: Franky. Frankie. Sounds good, right?”
Netflix’s Unbelievable covers the true story of Marie Adler. For many women that have taken their rapist(s) to court, the show sheds light on painful truths.
“I have enough of my own grief, I don’t need yours, too.”
She’s been through too much ambiguity to be, simply, a Good Janet. Rather she is Complicated Janet. Humanity’s Champion Janet. Janet beyond the binary.
The show putting Ruby and Sapphire together isn’t a fluke — these two are a great match for each other, both stubborn and passionate and potentially dangerous with their respective abilities to generate heat and cold. They’re literally cut from the same stone.
Whether we do it to explore gender and gender presentation, to embrace our flamboyance, to show off and show out, or to just feel powerful, no con is complete these days without a horde of queer cosplayers or queer characters making their way up and down the aisles and across the stages
On October 6th, Batwoman will add another first to the list: She’ll land in Gotham City in her much-anticipated series, making her the very first lesbian superhero to headline her own show. It’s been a thrilling, harrowing, often bumpy road to get here — but Batwoman always comes out on top (if you know what I mean and I think you do).
I’ve studied the show, collected the evidence, and now I’m ready to tell you which “Bob’s Burgers” characters are bisexual AF.
“Do you have something to tell us?” my mom joked. It was a joke, because of course I didn’t. “No,” I said with a laugh. And I thought I was telling the truth.
Over 30,000 votes later! Here are your winners and our critic’s picks!
Orphan Black’s story continues in a new medium, jumping in right away with updates about Cosima and Delphine.
Queer women’s television has grown significantly in recent years. Still, we’ve watched our best continue to be sidelined by a straight white male majority that won’t pay attention to queer stories, women’s stories, stories about people of color. Well, no more my friends!
Get sexually fluid with your fluids with this “Are You The One?” drinking game!
“It’s important to demonstrate interest in your partner’s passions even if you don’t share them, and Buffy’s passion is for wearing knee-high boots with skirts.”
“I was like Roberta, do your thighs hold both of you? Like if you slide down the wall? And she was like, let’s see. So we tried it on the sidewalk.”
“There are so many ways to love and be loved. Now we get to explore that.”