Autostraddle Roundtable: So … Prop 8 Was Upheld. What Do We Do Now?
“What I do not enjoy is people saying a woman marrying a woman will lead to a woman marrying a dog. I do not want to marry a woman. I am very little and she would crush my bones.”
“What I do not enjoy is people saying a woman marrying a woman will lead to a woman marrying a dog. I do not want to marry a woman. I am very little and she would crush my bones.”
June 28th, 2009. Autostraddle Disco Rodeo. The girl-on-girl party of the century. Hot cowgirls, sweet prizes, party photographers, drink special, DJ Lady Starlight and a mechanical freakin’ bull.
The ladies of are just so excited to announce our very first RODEO DISCO party at Mason-Dixon (133 Essex St, on the Lower East Side of NYC) on June 28th, the last day of NYC Pride! In celebration of the newest hottest website for girl-on-girl culture, RODEO DISCO will feature sexy cowgirls, appropriately thematic […]
“In this world, denying gayness is not keeping your private life private. It is, essentially, accepting either 1) Straightness (e.g., John Travolta) or 2) An obvious and compromising closeted lifestyle (e.g., Queen Latifah). In Adam’s case, that’d be lying, and lying is bad. But he hasn’t lied. So yes, it is relevant.”
“We’ll comb desperately and hungrily through minutes upon minutes of storylines we don’t care about on shows we’ve never seen before — aliens! middle schoolers! telenovelas! big brother 10! — to reach the two-minute morsel we care about more than we probably should: the holy grail of promised homosexual content.”
Chandra is not a lesbo, the prom queen is a boy, Alexi is wearing Dol-chay, Sotomayor hates bloggers, Obama may or may not care about the gays, Lambert may or may not be out and your girlfriend is pregnant, no lie.
Stef interviews Minneapolis-based openly-gay quintet Sick of Sarah and Crystal interviews Emma Dean, who’s just released the “musical theatre soundtrack for two years of [her] life (2006-2008)!”
Adam Lambert, Lady GaGa, the Arnold, Dame Edna and Wanda Sykes give good interview, Prop 8 debates rage on with a new federal court case, and Carmen auto-straddles Shane.
“We saddle up, feet in stirrups, ready to go and … bam! suddenly all become heterosexual women with one interest: reproduction!”
Let’s sing about rainbows, follow @autostraddle on twitter, appreciate jezebel, party in who-ville despite the Mormons and start all over again with “How do You Like Us Now.”
“This should be obvious, but GLEE IS THE BEST THING EVER. Srsly, you guys. It’s soooooo good. The only crappy thing is that we have to wait until the fall to see more episodes!”
“The California Supreme Court will hand down its decision on Proposition 8 and address the legal status of over 18,000 same-sex couples who were married between June and November while the legalization was in effect.”
Homosexy Fanny Pak upped the ante on MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew” with their hip, stylish and progressive style. Robin shoots Matt, Glenda, Phillip, Tiffani, Barracuda, Beau and Megan.
The Guardian UK says: “With two lesbians shortlisted for the supreme court and more than 30 GLBTS appointed to senior posts by the president, the US is witnessing an unprecedented cultural change that is reshaping politics, media, and popular culture.”
Riese & A;ex & Robin do the NewNowNext Awards, talk two-on-one with the H-List’s hottest stars of screen & stereo.
“It took me a very long time to come to terms with what I felt for girls. Not because of my own religion, but because of the religion and judgment of others, and because growing up in such a small town greatly limits what you see as viable options for yourself.”
“The mayor of San Angelo chose not only love, but also honesty.”
Check out these hot NewNowNext pics in anticipation of our full coverage. Speaking of coverage, did you see the obliques on that Paradiso Girl?
Here, being able to hold a conversation while looking over your friends’ shoulders is a must-have skill. I point this out to a girl named Mel, who laughs and agrees, “We’ve been having a conversation for about ten minutes, but the whole time I’ve been looking over there.”
I’m not sure why anyone at this point could doubt the power of the American people to rally around a ballot box to ensure gays don’t get what they want.